Co-facilitators Dr. Joel MacClellan and Dr. Connie Mui led a team of Loyola undergraduates through another successful year of the Philosopher Kids project. The core belief of the program is that there is no age requirement to begin to learn how to think critically and philosophically. Doing philosophy is nothing more than having a series of conversations about those “big ideas,” such as courage, beauty, respect for others, knowledge, and justice.
The 2019 Philosophy Honors Thesis Presentations was held Friday, April 12th in the Monroe Library, Multimedia Room 1. Dinner followed afterwards with presenters, family, friends and faculty in attendance. Below is the list of this year's presenters, their thesis title and their advisor.
Kayla M. Koonz, "Wrongfulness of Misgendering" (Advisor, Dr. Jonathan Peterson)

Congratulations to the 2018-19 recipients of the Philosophy Department awards (from left to right) Margaret O'Connell, Grant Dufrene, Dea Devlin, and Emily Ortiz. Well deserved!

Philosophy Professor Dr. Joel MacClellan defends axiological extensionalism in a chapter of forthcoming book, Ethical Diets and Animal Ethics — Beyond Extensionism, which will be part of the Springer International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics.

Loyola's Ethics Bowl team competed in the spring of 2019 in the National Bioethics Bowl Championship at the University of South Alabama. The team consisted of Emmaline Bouchillon, Maggie Feldman, Regina Nicosia, and Grace Riddick as well as coaches Dr. Joel MacClellan and Dr. Leonard Kahn.

Associate Professor of Philosophy Jonathan Peterson enters his second semester as Chair of the Faculty Senate this January, helping to guide Loyola at any especially important time in its history.

Visiting Assistant Professor Drew Chastain published his research this January on the relationship been freedom of the will and the meaningfulness of life in the journal Philosophia.

Associate Professor of Philosophy Jonathan Peterson presented his paper “Privatizing Criminal Punishment” at the American Section of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy at Boston University on August 17, 2018.

Philosophy junior Grant Dufrene is currently helping Dr. Connie Mui to edit a forth coming volume on the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. Grant reports,

Joel MacClellan, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, has taken over as Editor-in-Chief of the Animal & Society Institute's Sloth: Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies, the top HAS undergraduate journal.