In Dr. Berendzen’s view, Horkheimer’s thought has been unjustly ignored relative to his contemporaries, and Dr. Berendzen is attempting to correct this error.

Gary Herbert, Professor of Philosophy is editor-in-chief of Human Rights Review and guest editor of Hobbes Studies, an international peer reviewed scholarly journal published by Brill.
In 2001, Skelly McCay, double major in Philosophy and English, was awarded a British Marshall Scholarship. In Fall 2001 Mr. McCay entered the graduate program in philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. Currently, Skelly is entering his third year at Tulane Law School.
Judge Tiffany Gautier Chase was elected to Division A of Orleans Parish Civil District Court in May 2007. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from Loyola University and her Juris Doctor from Loyola University School of Law.

John P. Clark, Ph.D., Gregory F. Curtin Distinguished Professor in Humane Letters and Professions, was awarded the Loyola University New Orleans 2008 Dux Academicus Award

Constance Mui, Ph.D., professor of philosophy, was invested with the Rev. Youree Watson, S.J., Distinguished Professorship in Arts and Sciences.

Alex was born and raised in Lafayette, Louisiana and transferred to Loyola in 2006. He graduated summa cum laude from the University Honors Program in 2009 with a B.A. in Philosophy and Classical Humanities. While at Loyola he completed his senior thesis, titled “Is Hegel a Strong Individuational Holist,” under the direction of Dr. Berendzen. His main philosophical interests include Hegel and German Idealism, philosophy of mind, and the nature of concepts and conceptual content. He is particularly interested in the intersection of these three. These interests have led him to pursue a Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Chicago.
Peter Santos presented his paper "What is it like to be a dog" at the LSU Philosophy Conference on April 18, 2009.