Dr. Mary Townsend of the Department of Philosophy, published an article "Housework" in The Hedgehog Review 18 (1).

Philosophy senior Tara Malay pursues graduate work in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.

Dr. Jonathan Peterson of the Department of Philosophy hosted the New Voices in Legal Theory Roundtable in February 2016. This international workshop brings together philosophers and legal theorists to discuss current research in the philosophy of law.

The Philosophy Department's Dr. Jonathan Peterson will spend the month of June, 2016 as a visiting fellow at the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace where he will be working on a project on the destruction of cultural artifacts.

This academic year (2015-2016) philosophy professors Dr Patrick Leland published "Rational Responsibility and the Assertoric Character of Bald-Faced Lies" in Analysis 75 (4): 550-554, and Dr Jonathan Peterson authored "Legal Moralism, Interests, and Preferences: Alexander on Aesthetic Regulation" in

Emeritus philosophy professor John Clark's new book The Tragedy of Common Sense is to be published by Changing Suns Press later in 2016.

4 philosophy students presented their honors theses in the spring of 2016. Allison Rogers (pictured) wrote on "Justice in the Workplace: A Rawslian Theory of Corporate Governance" (advisor: Dr Jonathan Peterson), Patrick Klena's thesis was on "Duns Scotus and the Problem of Individuation" (advisor: Dr Mark Gossiaux), Andres Neidl wrote on "A Theory of Embodied Intersubjectivity" (advisor: Dr Joseph

Philosophy students Brittney Esie, Thanh Mai, and Emily Polvado presented their paper "Regenerative Medicine and the Environment" at the National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio on April 9, 2016.

On March 2, 2016, Dr. Kahn participated in a panel titled "Why We Need Feminism Today in America” as part of the first annual Loyola University New Orleans Feminist Festival.
Tara Malay, philosophy senior, presented a paper entitled "Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Refutation of Skepticism in Contra Academicos and Stoic and Manichaean Philosophies and Doctrines in his Confessions" at the 2016 Eastern Michigan University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.