Dr. Jonathan Peterson of the Department of Philosophy hosted the New Voices in Legal Theory Roundtable in February 2016. This international workshop brings together philosophers and legal theorists to discuss current research in the philosophy of law. The participants were Chad Flanders (St Louis University School of Law), Jon Garthoff (University of Tennessee), Carol Hay (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Sari Kisilevsky (Queens College, CUNY), Eric J Miller (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles), Massimo Renzo (King’s College London), Helga Varden (University of Illinois), Ekow Yankah (Cardozo School of Law), Lorenzo Zucca (King’s College London).
The Roundtable was supported by the Department of Philosophy, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Rev. Scott Youree Watson S.J., Distinguished Professorship of Arts and Sciences.