On March 2, 2016, Dr. Kahn participated in a panel titled "Why We Need Feminism Today in America” as part of the first annual Loyola University New Orleans Feminist Festival.
Here is an excerpt from his presentation, "Why Philosophy Needs Feminism: "Philosophy needs feminism, not only because it needs to treat people equitably on the basis of sex and gender; philosophy needs feminism because it is the search for the deepest and most fundamental truths at which any of us can hope to arrive. And the search will be hampered – perhaps even rendered impossible – without the collective wisdom of what we used to call mankind, but have now quite properly have learned to call humanity. "
Also present at the panel were Dr. Sarah Butler, professor of History; Dr. Trimiko Melancon, Associate professor of English; Dr. Natasha Bingham, Assistant professor of Political Science; Dr. Rae Taylor, Chair/Associate Professor of Criminology & Justice; and Ms. Bridget O’Connor, Women’s Studies/Sociology Student WRC Intern.
The full text of Dr. Kahn's presentation can be read here.