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Rich campus life

We believe in educating the whole person through rigorous academic studies and plentiful cultural experiences. We encourage you to immerse yourself in campus life at Loyola by taking advantage of the many services we have to offer.


How to Get Things Done in the College of AweSome


In the College of Arts and Sciences, requests for almost everything should be directed as follows...

CAS students with last names A-J, Sara Clark,

CAS students with last names K-Z, Elisabeth Lee,

CAS Honors students with last names A-Z, Christina DiMaggio,

CAS Pre-Nursing students with last names A-Z, Nicholas Jackson,


*Students: Please put your name and ID# in the Subject of every email*

*Faculty: Please put the name and ID# of the student about whom you are inquiring in the Subject of every email*


College of Business students, see

College of Music and Media students, see


Don't skip class or lunch: Follow the links below for help electronically submitting information.

  • Most transactions can be completed with a detailed, communicative email.

  • If one of the items below indicates the need for an actual form instead of an email, many options exist including using the free Adobe Reader software's "Fill and Sign" function. (Check your computer's start menu before using that link -- you may already have the program. Use with caution: This site offers the free version and a paid version, where you only need the free version. Also take care to UNcheck the boxes that download other software.) Please do not lock form against editing, or embed a pdf in the body of an email -- include pdfs and jpegs as attachments.

  • Fill out forms electronically, and email them.

  • If handwritten, scan, then email, or

  • Take a picture of both sides of a form with your phone, then email.

  • Whether an item needs one signature or multiple approvals, organize your emails carefully so that all the information is in one thread. This email option is provided to make the form easier for you to complete so you don't have to obtain signatures in person across campus. For multiple signatures, you might email one person at a time, and then forward to the next person, and so on, or it might be effective to email ALL the parties at the same time (including yourself and the final recipient/s), and ask them to give their approval electronically via the email. No office is responsible for collecting signatures on your behalf.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page for a listing of all the directories and ways to find contact information for professors and offices 

  • See also the University Bulletin where all the rules, regulations, policies, and other fine-print of the University appears.

Click the links below to jump to the relevant section.

Academic Amnesty


Change of Grade

Change of Major or College

Contact Information on

Course Withdrawals

Credit Overloads



Grade Appeals

Graduation Tips (Your Progress Report in LORA)


Independent Studies

Major and Minor Degree Requirements

Minors (How to Add and Drop)

Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere (Application, Summers Only))

Resources for new students (and Reminders for current students)

Registrar's Office (link to their Forms)


Study-Abroad Signatures

University Withdrawals & Leaves of Absence

Waitlisted Classes (Requesting a Seat)


Application for Academic Amnesty

Please read every part of the policy before downloading the form: Only certain classes qualify for application.

When the form is complete, copy the below as appropriate:

The Dean's office will forward this to the Registrar on your behalf if/when approved.

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Auditing a Course

See policy in the Bulletin Regulations area here:

Then email Kathy Gros,, from your account, including your full name and ID# in the Subject of the email.

State your desire to audit the course, and give the full course-code, course-title, section number, and instructor, along with the semester in which you wish to audit the course.

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Change of Grade/s

Faculty: The deadline for submitting a change of grade is 6 weeks into the following semester. Please email the full name of the student and their CWID number, along with the course-code, section number, name of the course, and the semester in which the class was taken, as well as an explanation of why the the grade-change is being requested to Associate Dean Welsh,

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Change of Major or College Electronic Form

This electronic form is for the use of existing students only, no signatures needed.

New students starting their first semester should NOT use this until we pass the Drop-classes Deadline (usually the 2nd Friday after school starts) -- email your summer-advisor or your college level advisor instead.

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Your Student Success contact and your faculty advisor will both be listed in your LORA account at the Advisor link under the Student Records menu. 

LORA (through the Single-Sign-On) > Student Records menu > Advisor link

For a directory of College of Arts and Sciences Department Chairpersons, Faculty Members, and Administrative Assistants, click here, or copy and paste this link into your browser

Choose the department you seek, and then click on the Faculty & Staff tab in the menu running along the top of the page. 

Scroll down the page.

To search for faculty or staff by first or last name, click here:

Other contacts:

Admissions, Send all transcripts via or via regular mail to 6363 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118.

Registrar's office,, 504 865 3237 (additional help with registration, transcripts, leave of absence or return from leave of absence)

Financial Aid,, 504 865 3333

Student Health Services, 504 865 3868

Residential Life,, 504 865 2445

General Questions via Student Affairs, 504 865 3428

Dean’s office, College of Arts and Sciences: Email all inquiries to...

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Course Withdrawals

Short version:

  • Download the form, then fill out the form on your computer, and attach it to an email
  • Make the Subject of the email very specific: Name, ID, and "Withdrawing from SUBJ###"
  • CC all of the following: 1), 2) your faculty advisor, and 3) your instructor (so they know you are leaving the class)

Longer version:

Link to the "Single Course Withdrawal" form, or download an easy-to-fill Word version here, or copy and paste this link into your browser:

You can do this digitally without circulating a hard-copy form or obtaining hard-copy signatures, just be sure to cc your professor, your advisor, AND

  • Obtain all the necessary signatures -- over email is okay, and approvals written out in the email itself are okay.
  • Organize this with care to ensure that all your approvals are in one continuous thread with your form attached before you send it to
  • This email option is provided to make the form easier for you to complete so you don't have to obtain signatures in person across campus. Student Records is NOT responsible for collecting signatures on your behalf.
  • Please DO include your instructor too -- they need to know so they can update their rosters and records.
  • For the "advisor" line: Contact your departmental faculty advisor, or department Chairperson, or if you're in the Exploratory Studies program, your Student Success Center contact (click here to jump to the instructions for finding all the contact information at the bottom of this webpage).
  • This form does NOT come to your Dean's office.
  • When approved: Forward your signatures-thread emails with the form to from your account.
  • Include your full name and ID# in the Subject of the email along with the words "Course Withdrawal."

For Withdrawal dates and deadlines, click here for the Academic Calendars, or copy and paste this link into your browser:

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Request 21 credits in the Fall or Spring, or more than 12 credits over the Summer

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Request a Double-Major

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Grade Appeals

Read the full policy here. The form can be downloaded here.

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Graduation Tips (Your Progress Report in LORA)

All the info that most undergraduates need (students and all of their advising contacts) is in the Progress report in LORA – please review it carefully, and ask lots of questions if you’re unsure of anything: This program contains your full degree-plan, and it matches the courses you take to the requirements they fulfill. You are responsible for the requirements listed therein. If you don't have a Progress tab, consult your college-level contact (see the top of this page for CAS).

  • Be sure to click Expand All at the top so none of the content is hidden.
  • When students apply for graduation, the Registrar sends their info to the college-level contact in the Dean's office (see the top of this page for CAS). Dean's offices usually review the Progress report to make sure that the student is indeed likely to finish in the Term for which they applied. Students might receive an email that restates their current registration versus any remaining requirements listed in Progress. For example, "If you successfully complete your current classes as registered (insert list of current courses), then only the following will remain to be fulfilled (list of remaining requirements).” However, there is no secret source -- it's all there in Progress for all concerned parties to access. 

  • Same for actual graduation -- the Progress report is reviewed to ensure that every requirement is satisfied.

Please follow this link for yet more hints about reading your Course-Plan, your Progress report, and for making the most of the system tools to ensure your graduation.

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Request for an Incomplete

Please read the every part of the policy completely before downloading the form.


Students: EMAIL a completed pdf or a scan or a picture of your hard-copy to your professor (see directories and search options at the bottom of this page). Include your full name and your CWID in the Subject line of the email.

Faculty: EMAIL a completed pdf or a scan or a picture of your hard-copy to Associate Dean Welsh, Include the student's name and ID in the Subject line of the email. Part-time faculty should check with their department Chair before granting an Incomplete.

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Independent Studies

Faculty: Please download and complete the Independent Study form (click here for an easy to fill out Word version), and prepare a course syllabus on behalf of the student. Note that the syllabus must contain a list of assignments, and a points-based grading scale linking the assignments and points-to-be-earned to the grade/s to be earned. Syllabi without this information cannot be accepted. Please also review the syllabus against this Syllabus Checklist for Independent Studies

For Internships or Research with 3rd parties, please ensure that this MOU with the internship provider (or research professor) is completed and submitted to the contacts listed below along with the independent study form, and the syllabus. Internships that are registered on Handshake do not need the MOU (please include a screen-shot from Handshake showing that it is indeed posted there). If not registered on Handshake, please first reach out to the Director of Career Development & Student Employment, Katie Bandy Krikorian, for their e-signature over email:

Paperwork cannot be processed until students clear registration holds. Before submitting the required information, faculty advisors should also consider whether an independent study will put a student into a credits overload. Please email the signed document and syllabus (and MOU as appropriate) to: 

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Major Degree-requirements & Minor Requirements

Most students can navigate to their LORA accounts, and select the Progress tab. Click Expand All at the top, and then scroll down.

To view original requirements in the Bulletin or other degree-options, Majors, Minors, or to look ahead to graduate programs:

For new students, navigate to the appropriate college in the current Bulletin, then to the Major or Minor listing. > Directory > Undergraduate Bulletin > College > Department...

For existing students, choose the Bulletin Archives, and then the Undergraduate or Graduate Bulletin, and then the year you started at Loyola, and then narrow your selections from there...

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ADD or DROP a Minor

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Request for Permission to take Courses at Another University (Summer only)

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Resources for new students (and reminders for current students)

Click here for time-sensitive items of which to be aware at the start of your semester.

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To link to the Registrar's FORMS page

Click here or copy and past this link into your browser:

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Seat-Cards (Getting Special Permission to Join a Full or Waitlisted Course, or to Late-Add)

Instead of seat-cards, email the professor of the desired course for permission to join. If they give their permission to join the course, forward that written message via email to Registrar:

In the Subject of the Email: Include your name, CWID#, and the full course-code the course you're adding.

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Study Abroad Applications

The form to get your future classes approved starts at Center for International Education. See your Progress tab in LORA to understand your missing requirements so you can look for compatible courses to take while you're abroad. 

Who needs to approve? No matter what you're taking, you must copy your Major Advisor.

If you are taking classes in the Major, copy your Major Advisor and your Major Chairperson.

If taking classes for a Minor, also copy your Minor Advisor.

If you are in the Honors program copy Dr. Cain and Ms. DiMaggio for approval of the Honors Core and General Electives: and

Non-Honors CAS students: Include your Dean's Office advisor in your email -- they need to be looped in on your final classes, and they need a record for your files, but they also approve any courses intended for the Loyola Core and for General Electives:

CAS students with last names A-J, Sara Clark,

CAS students with last names K-Z, Elisabeth Lee,

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University Withdrawals & Leaves of Absence

Short version:

Longer version:

Link to the "University Withdrawal" form, or download it here, or copy and paste this link into your browser:

Check off either the box for Withdrawal or for Leave of Absence.

Signatures: The only signature needed from the CAS Dean's office is to be provided by Assistant Dean Buehler. Please reach him via email at

Obtain all the other necessary signatures: Over email is okay, and approvals written out in the email itself are okay. Organize this with care to ensure that all your approvals are in one continuous thread with your form attached before you send it to This email option is provided to make the form easier for you to complete so you don't have to obtain signatures in person across campus -- Student Records is NOT responsible for collecting signatures on your behalf. 

When you have filled in your portion of the form, and gathered the needed signatures, upload your form, or scan it, or take a picture of it, and email Student Records,

Send the email from your account, including your full name and ID# in the Subject of the email.

Please also see the University Bulletin policies on University Withdrawal and Leave of Absence:

To initiate a medical withdrawal, start here:

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Waitlisted Classes (Requesting a Seat)

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