Loyola University has a plan for your success and you should take your classes at Loyola.
During Fall/Spring semesters, students may apply for cross-enrollment at Loyola Consortium partners (Tulane, Xavier, etc., see main menu).
Email your Financial Aid Counselor to learn what options exist for you at Loyola for summer tuition:
Permission to take courses elsewhere during the summer will be granted only when the student can demonstrate compelling reasons to do so. Examples of compelling reasons include:
- The course is needed for graduation within the academic year and is not being offered at Loyola during that timeframe or course sections have filled/closed.
- A student needs to take a course during the summer semester due to a prior course withdrawal, failed course, or other academic reasons, and the course is not being offered by Loyola during the summer session or course sections have filled/closed.
Note: The cost of a Loyola course and other financial matters are not considered compelling reasons for enrolling elsewhere during the summer.
- Junior Colleges & Community Colleges: Students who have attained Junior status, 56 earned credit hours, by the end of the current semester will not be permitted to attend summer classes at a Junior or Community College. Applications can only request permission to attend a summer course at a 4-year school.
- Students who have or who will have started into their final 30 credits by the end of the current semester are not permitted to attend summer courses at other schools. The final 30 credits must be completed at Loyola.
- Credit will be awarded only as earned hours for approved courses in which grade of C or above have been earned; grades of C- or below will not receive credit. Grades do not transfer, only the earned hours.
- After successful completion of the course, students must submit an official copy of the transcript from the other institution to Admissions via admit@loyno.edu
- Loyola students on approved medical leave may be allowed to take up to 9 credit hours of coursework elsewhere with permission of the associate dean. Please see medical leave policy.
- If a student is placed on academic probation as a result of the current semester’s grades, permission is rescinded.
CAS students, email completed form to:
Dr. Buehler, pbuehler@loyno.edu
Download the form, and fill it in using Adobe Reader's "Fill and Sign" function, but do not "lock" the document.
In PDF: Form to use to request permission to enroll at another university
In Word: Form to use to request permission to enroll at another university