Joel MacClellan, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, has taken over as Editor-in-Chief of the Animal & Society Institute's Sloth: Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies, the top HAS undergraduate journal.
Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. Sloth showcases the important and innovative contributions of undergraduates, giving those who are interested in human/non-human animal relationships a way to contribute to and engage with the field, as well as an opportunity to build their skills, knowledge, and resumes in anticipation of their graduate school careers. Sloth is a refereed and selective journal. All articles submitted to Sloth pass through a four-stage peer review and revision process: (1) the article is initially reviewed by either the humanities or social science editor of Sloth; (2) if it is judged to be potentially publishable, then the article is sent to two reviewers; (3) if the outside reviews are positive, the student author will be asked to revise the article for publication; (4) the article will go through a final copy editing stage, if needed.
You can follow Sloth on Facebook and Twitter. Or consider submitting a paper for publication.