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Calvin Monley, English Writing and Philosophy student was presented at graduation with the Ignatian Award for Outstanding Senior Man. Calvin received a Bachelor of Arts degree with University Honors. Congratulations, Calvin!

Tirthabir Biswas, Asst. Professor in Physics, has been awarded a $35,000 LA Board of Regents "Research Competitiveness Subprogram" grant. He will conduct research on "Numerical Explorations of the Cyclic Inflationary Model of the Early Universe.

Colonel Anne B. Gunter is the commander of the 944th Mission Support at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona . As commander, she oversees support planning and resource management activities for an 850-person fighter wing.  

Dr. Ladd awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Social Sciences.

Megan Irving and Max Ciolino were awarded Sociology departmental awards at the College of Social Sciences Honors Convocation.

At the 2011 College of Social Sciences Honors Convocation Latoya Dequair was awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement and Community Service Award. This award is presented to the graduating senior with the highest record of academic achievement and community service. 

Professor Karen Rosenbecker was selected to participate in the Lyric Poetry Seminar led by Professors Gregory Nagy and Kenneth Scott Morrell at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C., August 9-13, 2011.

Six senior research students recently presented their senior theses at the semi-annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Symposium. The Department of Psychological Sciences congratulates our students for their efforts and success!

Philosophy major, Rebekah Locke, recently presented a paper,"What is the Good: An Examination and Comparison of Plato's and G.E. Moore's Theories of the Good" at the Undergraduate Philosophy Conference sponsored by Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.

Loyola professor of psychology, Janet R. Matthews Ph.D., received the 2011 Louisiana Psychological Association Distinguished Psychologist Award on June 20 for her achievements and contributions to the science and profession of psychology.


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