¡Felicitaciones, Annie! This year, the Young Alumni Pack recognized Annie McBride as the 2017 Young Alumna of the Year. Annie graduated with a Spanish major (2007), went on to Law School, and is quite a success!
¡Felicitaciones a 3 de nuestros estudiantes! These Spanish minors and Latin American Studies major received the prestigious Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in Ecuador. The competition is national, so we are very proud of you!

On October 18, 2017, four new members of the Mu Kappa chapter of the national Spanish honor society were initiated. ¡Felicitaciones!
Tasia Gabriel
Mari Nerbovig
Kiley Pohn
Rayana Windom

In 2016, a bilingual edition of 3 of Spanish dramatist José Moreno Arenas' plays was published by Editorial Gestos. Dr. Eileen Doll translated the plays into English, and wrote the introductions (in English and in Spanish): A Rude Trilogy (Begging Your Pardon). Trilogía grosera (con perdón).
Rising Junior Audrey O'Connell (Graphic Design major & Spanish minor) received one of only Spirit Cultural Exchange merit-based scholarships in 2017 to take part in a 2-4 week volunteering project in Ecuador through Fundación Bolívar Education Volunteer Program. She will live with a host family and do volunteer work while learning more about Ecuador and its culture and languages.
¡Felicitaciones, Audrey!

On May 16, 2017, Loyola's Translation and Interpreting Certificate Program recognized 23 students who completed the program and received their certificates this year. In addition, 25 who completed the program before this semester were recognized for their achievements, including 2 who are certified to work with the Louisiana Supreme Court.

Congratulations to the following students, majors and minors in the Department of Languages & Cultures, for their outstanding work:
The Richard A. Frank Memorial Award for Excellence in Modern Foreign Languages—Theresa M. Solenski

The graduating seniors in Latin American Studies and Spanish presented the results of their Capstone research on 25 April, 2017. The topics varied greatly, but all did their best--¡Felicitaciones!
“Re-appropriating Women’s Bodies: The Orquestas Femeninas in the Cali World of Salsa”
Jacqui Etheart-LAS (Dr. Nathan Henne)
“El proceso de relaciones públicas”
Jessica Molina-Spanish (Dr. Eileen Doll)
“Las Paredes: re-pensando las fronteras a través del arte”

Senior Theresa Solenski (English Writing/Spanish, with a minor in Biological Sciences, 2017) curated a featured photographic exhibit for the museum of the Meso-American Research Institute at Tulane University. The exhibit will be made public in Fall 2017.

¡Felicitaciones a los nuevos socios de Mu Kappa, capítulo de Sigma Delta Pi! On May 4 and 5, seven students were initiated into the national Spanish honor society (Loyola's Mu Kappa chapter) for excellence in the study of the Spanish language and cultures:
Danielle K. Belmont
Alexis Chapital
Caitlyn Cordano
David A. Dupart
Randolph M. Dupont
Leslie Galvez
Angela Theresa Ray
¡Bienvenidos y enhorabuena!