Hannah Pico (Sociology with a concentration in Social Justice & Inequality 2017)--unofficial Spanish minor--is currently working in La Zubia, Spain (province of Granada), as a North American Cultural Ambassador English Language Assistant. While there, she is planning to work towards a Master's at the Universidad de Granada.
¡Magnífico, Hannah!

On Friday, September 21, 2018, Dr. Nathan Henne gave the inaugural presentation for the new Loyola Faculty and Staff Seminar Series, "Encountering Heritage and History." His talk, "(Dis)Respecting Sovereignty: US Interference in Central American and the Current Migration Crisis," in the Whitney Presentation Room of Thomas Hall was a huge success--the room was packed and all were fascinated with the facts presented and the images projected by Dr. Henne.

Ryan Reso (English 2017) received his TEFL/TESL/TESOL certificate and was able to obtain a position tutoring English in Spain. He studied Spanish at Loyola, missing a minor by only a few classes. Starting in Fall 2018, through the Up International Program, Ryan will assist an English teacher in a secondary school in southern Spain, Nuestra Señora del Águila in Alcalá de Guadaíra in Sevilla, España.

The music was playing and the food was tempting as students experienced Latin Fest in April 2018. Hispanic Music Appreciation served up a tasty and rhythmic afternoon!

In May 2018, certificates were awarded to 28 students from the greater New Orleans community who completed their program in Translation and Interpreting (Spanish/English). The celebration was lively, with family and friends in attendance. Dr. Lisbeth Philip presided, and she was aided by Dr. Uriel Quesada, acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Former undergraduate students from our department also received this award, including Martin Better (Latin American Studies/Classical Studies 2016, and Stephanie MacClellan (Spanish 2016).
¡Enhorabuena, todos!

In April 2018, four students were initiated into the Mu Kappa chapter of the national Spanish honor society, Sigma Delta Pi:
Sierra Carvalho

In January 2018, at the President's Convocation, Dr. Eileen J. Doll received the Excellence in Community Engaged Teaching Award. This is presented to the instructor who best connects the Service Learning in her/his classroom with the outside community. Dr. Doll's class, SPAN A404, Inmigración, was evaluated with a perfect score.
Congratulations to Dr. Nathan Henne, Director of the Latin American Studies Program, who has received the Marquette Fellowship for summer 2018 to further his research and scholarship.

Dra. Josefa Salmón received the Dux Academicus award at the January 2018 President's Convocation. This is the highest faculty award presented by Loyola University New Orleans. It is given to honor her achievements in scholarship, teaching, and service.
Attached is her speech from the acceptance of the award at the Convocation.
¡Felicidades, Dra. Salmón! A well-deserved honor!

Stephanie MacClellan (Spanish 2016) recently received approved status to be a Fully-Accredited Immigration Representative for immigration cases on behalf of Catholic Charities New Orleans. Stephanie can now represent low-income immigrants before an immigration judge, and in asylum cases. ¡Felicitaciones, Stephanie! Estamos muy orgullosos de ti.