Mr. Mathew Holloway, a 2016 Loyola graduate with a major in Sociology and a Minor in Spanish, has been selected for a 2017-8 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to teach in Panama. See his story here. ¡Felicidades y buena suerte, Mat!

Dr. Trevor Boffone (Spanish 2008) started the successful project and website, The 50 Playwrights Project. This innovative site provides access to Latin@ playwrights and their work. In March 2017 the project awarded 8 unproduced plays for their 2017 List of Best Unproduced Latin@ Plays. This is a major undertaking that helps both the dramatists and the general population connect with these one another. We are proud of you, Dr. Trevor!
Natalie Jones (Theatre Arts/Spanish, 2014) was selected for an English Teaching Assistantship to Argentina through the Fulbright U.S. Student Award. For more information, see her story.
¡Enhorabuena, Natalie! ¡Sabemos que vas a ser espectacular!

Arianna Efstathiou (Latin American Studies, 2015) has been accepted into the Law School of the University of Maine to study Immigration Law. Arianna tells us this: "I have been working as an immigration paralegal for the last 1.5 years in New Orleans, and am hoping to practice immigration in the future. I speak Spanish all day long at my job, and have been very grateful for my experience with the LAS [section of Languages and Cultures] at Loyola, which prepared me for this job and for my future practice."
¡Felicitaciones, Arianna!

This landmark anthology brings together more than sixty myths, poems, memoirs, manifestos, and works of fiction translated from Spanish to English, some for the first time. It is an ambitious introduction to Spanish American thought and culture, featuring historiographies by mestizo intellectuals of the Colonial periods; thought-pieces by eighteenth-century Jesuits; personal accounts by indigenous authors, women in struggle, and labor activists; and excerpts from Reinaldo Arenas, the exiled gay Cuban poet, playwright, and novelist.

The students of Mu Kappa chapter of Sigma Delta Pi (national Spanish honor society) held a successful Latin American Festival on Friday, October 14, 2016. The idea behind the festival was to educate the Loyola community about Latin American culture through a celebration of diversity. Proceeds will go to the non-profit organization Family Justice Center Women’s Empowerment Group (Latina survivors of domestic violence). The afternoon was filled with music, dance, food from Latin America, and readings of Latin American poetry.
Nicholas Armstrong (Political Science major/Spanish minor 2015) notified us that after graduation from Loyola, he began work with a non-profit in Houston, TX, Avenue Community Development Corporation. According to Nicholas, "especializa en proveer alojamiento para personas de bajo y de medio ingreso." Nicholas also received a Sigma Delta Pi scholarship to study in Cuba in summer 2014.
We're proud of you, Nicholas!

Congratulations to Uriel Quesada, Letitia Gomez, and Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, winners of the 2016 Ruth Benedict Book Prize for Queer Brown Voices.
Dr. Nathan Henne received the Faculty Excellence in Community Service from the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences, 2016. ¡Enhorabuena, Dr. Henne!
Congratulations to these Languages and Cultures students who received special awards at the 2016 Humanities and Natural Sciences Honors Convocation:
The Richard A. Frank Memorial Award for Excellence in Modern Foreign Languages—Connor M. Crowe
The Excellence in French Award—Ashlyn Haycook
The Honorary Consul of Spain in New Orleans Award—Rowan E. Oliversen
The Center for Latin American Studies Award: Martín Better
The Solidarity Award for Outstanding Latin American Studies Minor—Stephanie I. MacClellan