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Oanh Nguyen, Nicholas Militello, Farhan Mohiudiin, and Robert Woodry presented their Senior Thesis projects at the bi-annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on November 29, 2018. Project titles included:

"The relation between ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward sexual street harassment"

"The effects of background music on verbal and spatial task performance"

"Physician's ethnicity and personality affecting patient thinking"

"The evidence for hierarchy of prediction errors: Visual mismatch negativity in response to deviance and omissions"


Dr. Kim Ernst's research students presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society and at the 39th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Accompanying Dr. Ernst were Nicholas Militello, Rabiya Farooqui, Huong Tran, and Ashley Messina. Congratulations to Dr. Ernst and her research students!

Gabriella Pucci ('19), a Psychology Pre-Med major, was awarded a $1500 summer research grant by Psi Chi, the International Honors Society in Psychology. Gabby received the award for the proposal, “The Effect of Punishment Sensitivity and Anxiety on the Development of Eating Disorder Behaviors in College Students."

Congratulations Gabby!

Dr. Kate Yurgil, Assistant Professor in Psychological Sciences, was awarded the 2018 College of Arts and Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award. The award was presented at the Honors Convocation ceremony held on May 11, 2018.

At the May 11, 2018 Honors Convocation for the College of Arts & Sciences, three psychology students received department awards.

The Dr. Gerald S. Clack Distinguished Professional Service Award in Psychology was given to Mari Nerbovig (Psychology and Music Therapy double major and Spanish minor).

The Distinguished Student of Psychology Award was given to Rodriana Edwards (Psychology major).

The Dr. Paddy Ann Doll Psychology Senior Academic Achievement Award was given to Todd Loupe (Psychology and Computer Sciences double major).

Congratulations to our Psychological Sciences majors who completed their Senior Thesis presentations this week with projects ranging from "cellular effects of stress on the dentate gyrus" to "EEG activity associated with musical intervention" to "interpretive biases and autonomic nervous response"! There were nine presentations in all, completing a year long Senior Research/Senior Thesis sequence with IRB approved proposals, data collection, and data analysis.

Laura Gomez (Psychology and Translation & Interpretation Major, '18) and Ana Longo (Psychology Premed and Biochemistry Premed, '18) presented research with Dr. Erin Dupuis at the Southeastern Psychological Association's 64th Annual Meeting in Charleston, SC on March 7th. Their research poster was titled, "Effect of Political Statements on Attitudes and Behavior Toward Women."

Psychological Sciences major, Oanh Nyguen, received a $2500 National Gilman Scholarship to study in the Netherlands. Oanh was selected from a national pool of more than 1,000 applications.


To read more about this accomplishment visit the Loyno Story!

Iris Lopez and Brianna Jancuska accompanied Dr. Evan Zucker to Ranchería Josefa Ortiz de Dominquez located near the town of Balancán, Tabasco, in southeastern México, on the banks of the Usumacinta River, for a 3-week study of black howling monkeys during July 2017. There, one group of monkeys, containing one adult male, three adult females, one juvenile female, and one infant male, was observed. This group inhabited a forest fragment about 1.5 miles from the field station where the researchers lived, so walking at least 6 miles per day was typical.


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