Dr. Justin Nystrom of the History Department gave an account of the segregation laws in New Orleans as they applied to liquor-consumption and the "corner-grocery culture" at a recent Southern Food Alliance symposium. More...

On July 23rd, 2015, Dr. Justin Nystrom of Loyola's Department of History participated in the national debate over Confederate iconography. Earlier this month, the New Orleans City Council voted 6-0 in favor of beginning the legal actions needed to remove four controversial monuments from public display. Nystrom, along with other local historians, informed the discussion by providing context for the objects. More...

On Saturday, 08 August, the History Department's Dr. Mark Fernandez will present a lecture at the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The lecture, “Atomic Woody: Woody Guthrie, Einstein, and the Atomic Age,” examines Woody's experience of WWII and how he reflected on the implications of that conflict for the modern world.
The History Department is proud to report that two of its recent graduates, Joseph Patrick Dougherty (‘14) and Mara Steven (‘15), are among the more than 1,900 American students offered an opportunity to travel and study abroad for the 2015-16 academic year. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, as well as demonstrated leadership potential.
Mr. Dougherty will travel to Indonesia to teach English, and then return to New Orleans to teach.

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently interviewed the History Department's Dr. Ashley Howard concerning the recent riots in Baltimore, drawing on her expertise in urban riots and unrest. Please follow the link to view this interesting, timely, and illuminating interview with Dr. Howard.
Chronicle of Higher Education May 05, 2015, "Scholar of Urban Riots: Expect More Unrest"

The history department's Dr. Rian Thum has penned an essay for the Los Angeles Review of Books, entitled "What is a Uyghur?" You may access the essay at the following link: https://lareviewofbooks.org/essay/uyghur/. The essay explores, in brief, issues examined at length in Dr. Thum's now-available book, The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History (Harvard, 2014).

The Hon. Sean O'Keefe '77 (history), a current trustee of Loyola University and former CEO and chairman of Airbus Group Inc., was awarded the 2014 James Forrestal Industry Leadership Medal by the National Defense Industrial Association.

Paul Fleming, Jr., appointed deputy district defender

Professor publishes work uncovering lesser-known stories of New Orleans' longshoremen
Ashley Powers '05