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Mark Tobler recently received The College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Staff Excellence Award which is given to the member who demonstrates outstanding service above and beyond what is required and expected. In addition to his research, Mark is very dedicated to his work in the greenhouse.

Congratulations to Biology student Kate O'Leary ('17), who was named Outstanding Student Leader of the junior class at the 2016 Magis Awards Ceremony. Keep up the great work on campus and in the community.

Biology Alumna and Adjutor Hominum Awardee  Vanessa Rouzier, M.D. ('98) is co-first author on a landmark study demonstrating the effectiveness of a new oral cholera vaccine protocol in protecting people from the epidemic cholera. This is an important finding to help stop a terrible cholera epidemic that hit Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, likely brought in by relief workers. 


The article was published online, ahead of print, by the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in February, 2016 and is available at:  doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0700


Three Senior Biology students received prestigious awards during the 2016 Honors Convocation on May 20, 2016.

Patrick R. Connor received the St. Joseph Pignatelli, S.J. Award for Dedicated Service and Achievement in the Biological Sciences.

William J. Brandt received the Ruth and Lee Faust Award for the Outstanding Graduating Senior in the Biological Sciences.

Gabrielle V. Espiritu received the Rev. John H. Mullahy, S.J. Award for the Outstanding Achievement in the Sciences. 

Destiny Karash-Givens was given the environmental major for excellence in service award this year at Loyola’s Honors Convocation.

Destiny has been involved in all of these service activities during her time at Loyola. These activities have included:

Allison Davis was given the environmental major for excellence in research award this year at Loyola’s Honors Convocation.


This award is presented to a staff member who demonstrates outstanding service above and beyond what is required and expected.  Mark has and continues to do outstanding work in the Loyola greenhouse. 

Graduating senior Francesca Vaccaro was the proud recipient of the 2016 Ignatian Award for Outstanding Senior Woman. 

The Ignatian Awards are given each year to three individuals–one man, one woman, and one graduate student–who have set themselves apart by university involvement, representing Loyola with honor and distinction, living a strong faith, and maintaining a high GPA.

Philosophy majors and Ethics Bowl alumnae won awards at the 2016 Honors Convocation:

  • Allison Davis won the Most Outstanding Environment Research Award

  • Patrick Klena won the St. Thomas Award for Catholic Studies, The Loyola University Honors Program Honors thesis award for Humanities, and was the co-recipient of the Rev. Guy Lemieux, S.J. Award for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy.

  • Tara Malay won the Venerable Bede Award for Outstanding Medieval Studies Minor

¡Felicitaciones a los nuevos socios de Mu Kappa! In April, the following students were initiated into the national Spanish honor society, Sigma Delta Pi:

Sawyer-Rae Joseph

Darius Smith                    

Theresa Solenski

Jordan Cayley Kent-Wozinski




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