Dr. Armin Kargol has published a book titled "Introduction to Cellular Biophysics. Part I: Membrane Transport Mechanisms". It is intended as a textbook for an undergraduate course in Cellular Biophysics and is based on a course Dr. Kargol developed for the Biophysics major at Loyola. The book, which is the first part of a two-volume series, has been published by Morgan and Claypool in ebook and print formats: click here. Part I is an inventory of physical transport processes occurring in cells while the second volume, titled "From membrane transport to neural signaling" and to be published later this year, will be a closer look at how complex biological and physiological cell phenomena result from these very basic physical processes
Cody has been employed as a research physicist at the Naval Research Laboratory's branch at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. As a part of the Acoustic Simulation, Measurement, and Tactics branch, she helps develop computational models and databases to study the propagation and scatter of acoustic signals in the ocean and atmospheric environments.

Physics' administrative assistant, Mona Wolfe, received the Coadjutor Optimus Award for demonstrating service above that required or expected and for representing Loyola's commitment to its Jesuit values.

Loyola Physics senior Sandrine Ferrans was accepted into the highly selective LIGO Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program to pursue research at Caltech over the summer 2018. LIGO stands for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory, and Sandrine worked on a project called In-Situ Laser Mode Spectroscopy for Mirror Phase Mapping.

Dr. Armin Kargol, Professor of Physics and the Chair of the Physics Department, has received the 2018 University Senate Award for Excellence in Teaching. He was also recognized for his teaching in 2015 when he received the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Excellence in Teaching award.
Dr. Martin McHugh was interviewed on WDSU TV Morning News about the "blue moon" phenomenon occurring on Wednesday, January 31 in the morning hours.

Loyola Physics students Anna Smith, Kennedi Turner, Ariel Hall, and Sandrine Ferrans attended the annual Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, CUWiP, held in Jacksonville, Fl, in January 2018.
Dr. Arnaldo Vargas gave invited talks in the meeting “Antiproton physics in the ELENA Era” organized by the Royal Society of London in Sept. 2017. He was also given the honor of being the first speaker at the “International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics” held by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Sept. 2017.

Loyola Physics students Cody Smith, Andrew Eddins and Kyra Woods have been working with Dr. Martin McHugh in his quantum optics lab in Monroe Hall over the last few semesters. This past April they were able to complete an experiment demonstrating one of the strangest properties of quantum physics – entanglement.
Anne-Marie Murat, a research assistant in Dr. Kargol’s Electrophysiology Lab, has been accepted to the LSU Shreveport Medical School. Anne-Marie is a 2016 graduate in Biological Sciences from St. Louis University, Loyola’s sister Jesuit school. A native of New Orleans, Anne-Marie, has worked during 2016-17 academic year as a research assistant in electrophysiology lab in the Physics Department at Loyola.