Loyola biophysics senior Baasel Syed is spearheading Project Wolf Shield, a plan to manufacture 300 face shields using Loyola’s state-of-the-art 3-D printing equipment. Baasel and Art and Design Chair John Seefeldt secured $4,000 in grants from the Community Catholic Foundation and the Almar Foundation to help them buy supplies.

Mona Wolfe, Office Manager of Physics and Biological Sciences, was selected for the CAS Staff Excellence Award for 2020.

Mona Wolfe, Office Manager of Physics and Biological Sciences, is named Staff Employee of the Month for March 2020.

Dr. Armin Kargol has published the second volume of a book "Introduction to Cellular Biophysics", titled "From Membrane Transport to Neural Signalling". This volume, together with Part One, "Membrane Transport Mechanisms" will be used in a course PHYS A436 "Cellular Biophysics" which Dr. Kargol will teach in Fall'20.

Magnetic materials are used in many devices for various applications. To optimize the performance of these devices, we need to characterize the materials as best as we can. In this paper and presentation, I studied magnetic properties of an alloy, CoFeB, in a multilayer structure. CoFeB alloy is used in a new type of memory that is called “STT-MRAM”.

Michael Kammer (Physics Pre-Health '12) is the first author on a July 2019 publication in the

Three Physics seniors receive awards at the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation on May 10, 2019. The Reverend Karl A. Maring, S.J., Award: Sandrine Ferrans. The Reverend Francis A. Benedetto, S.J., Award: Anna Smith. The Special Projects Award in Physics: Kennedi Turner.

Kimia Mirlohi was awarded the Dawson Gaillard Award for Best Essay at the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation on May 10, 2019. (Kimia: back row, second from left)

Anna Smith (PHYS '19) was awarded The Reverend John H. Mullahy, S.J., and Donald C. Faust, M.D., Award at the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation on May 10, 2019. Congratulations, Anna!

The Department of Biological Sciences hosted its 29th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium with presentations given by Biology and Physics students. Seniors Sandrine Ferrans, Anna Smith and Kennedi Turner presented their research. We acknowledge their hard and time-consuming work and congratulate them on a job well done! Click here to view the full program.