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The Chronicle of Higher Education recently interviewed the History Department's Dr. Ashley Howard concerning the recent riots in Baltimore, drawing on her expertise in urban riots and unrest.  Please follow the link to view this interesting, timely, and illuminating interview with Dr. Howard.

Chronicle of Higher Education May 05, 2015, "Scholar of Urban Riots: Expect More Unrest"  

Mathematics senior Michael Hennessey was awarded second place at the annual Louisiana/Mississippi section meeting in the undergraduate student paper competition. Michael presented “A with-in host Dengue infection model with immune response and non-constant susceptible cell production rate,” which he wrote under the advisement of Dr. Jeremy Thibodeaux.

Dr. Michael Kelly was an invited speaker at the XIX Encontro Brasileiro de Topologia held, August 1-4, 2014 in Sao Jose do Rio Preato, SP, Brasil.  He presented a lecture entitled “Fixed point index bounds and a class of negatively curved 2-complexes” at the meeting.

Also, Dr. Kelly has been invited to speak that the VIIth Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis to be held September 14-18, 2015 in Torun, Poland.

Senior Michael Hennessey has been awarded a teaching assistantship in the Applied Math department of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to pursue a PhD in Mathematical Biology.


Loyola Physics students, Richard Bustos, Riley Mayes and Thomas Slack, recently participated and presented in the annual April Meeting organized by the American Physical Society (APS), the umbrella physics organization in the country.  Both Riley Mayes and Thomas Slack were selected to present talks in the research panels along with world renowned physicists across the globe, a rare achievement for undergraduate students. Richard Bustos made a poster presentation.

Fr. William Farge, S.J., was awarded a Bobet Fellowship (Summer 2015) for completion of his book "A Christian Samurai: The Trials of Baba Bunko." 

Molly Alper '14, who graduated with a bachelor's degree in Sociology and Spanish, was recently awarded a Fulbright Fellowship. She will travel to South America to do research on human trafficking, an issue she has been studying since her freshman year at Loyola.

Brianna R. Powell (Spanish 2011) is completing her Law degree at the University of Tennessee College of Law in 2015. She is also Editor-in-Chief of the Tennessee Journal of Race, Gender & Social Justice, and Articles Editor for the Tennessee Law Review. ¡Felicitaciones, Brianna!

Sociology Alum Brian Fitzpatrick, class of 2014, has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in Sociology at Notre Dame University.

Emily Drabek-Maunder (Physics ’09) received her Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Exeter, UK, in the summer of 2014.  Her thesis was entitled: A Submillimetre Study of Nearby Star Formation using Molecular Line Data. She is currently a postdoctoral research associate at Imperial College London, where she is studying star formation and evolution in our Galaxy. Her research often takes her to the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii.


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