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The Frances S. Summersell Center for the Study of the South is pleased to announce the winner of our first biennial Deep South Book Prize

Dr. Mark Gossiaux has recently presented two papers in Medieval Philosophy at separate conferences, one paper on James of Viterbo and the other on Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus.

Students in Biological Sciences will spend the summer pursing independent research in both the laboratory and the field. Described below are a few of the projects they will be collaborating on:

Biology alumni, Daniel Holt, recently completed his doctorate at Auburn University. His dissertation is entitled: "Sound Production And The Effect Of Noise On Communication In The Blacktail Shiner (Cyprinella venusta)."

Loyola University New Orleans assistant professor Timothy Welsh, Ph.D. has been quoted in two articles on the topic of "contemplative gaming."

Dr. Erin Dupuis and Dr. Kendall Eskine (pictured with David Garcia and Samantha Montano), Department of Psychological Sciences, presented research at the Association for Psychological Science's 24th Annual Convention in Chicago (May 24-27th, 2012).

At the 2012 College of Social Sciences Honors Convocation Kristen Lee was awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement and Community Service Award. This award is presented to the graduating senior with the highest record of academic achievement and community service.

JC Romero, a sociology major, received the award for "Exchange Student with the Most Impact" at this year's Legends of Keele awards. JC has spent the Spring 2012 semester studying abroad at Keele University in Staffordshire, U.K.

Two Physics Professors were honored at the College Honors Convocation on May 11, 2012. Patrick Garrity received the Faculty Excellence award for Teaching and Tirthabir Biswas - the Faculty Excellence Award for Research. Congratulations!

Andrew Albert, a Philosophy major at Loyola, has won a prestigious Fulbright Summer Institute scholarship to study at Newcastle University.


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