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Dr. Kathleen Fitzgerald's article entitled "The continuing Significance of Race: Racial Genomics in a Post-Racial Era" will be published in the February issue of Humanity and Society.

Dr. Talukdar, Assistant Professor of Sociology, talks about the study of body language and what certain non-verbal behaviors mean. Plus, she deciphers the body language of President Obama and other prominent politicians.

Dr. Jaita Talukdar's article titled "Rituals and Embodiment: Class Differences in Religious Fasting Practices of Bengali Hindu Women" was recently accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of Sociological Focus.

Dr. Kathleen J. Fitzgerald, Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, has a forthcoming race/ethnic relations textbook entitled "Recognizing Race and Ethnicity: Power, Privilege, and Inequality" by Westview Press (March 2014).

Dr. Carol Ann MacGregor, Assistant Professor of Sociology, has been awarded a $41, 000 grant, in partnership with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, to continue her work on Catholic Schools (K-12).

Sociology alumnus named Top Female Achiever by New Orleans Magazine.

Sociology alumnus , Kristie Hadley, was the sole recipient of a four year, $12,000 per year scholarship from the Medical School for International Health.

Dr. Anthony Ladd, Professor of Sociology, recently had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Rural Social Sciences.

Dr. MacGregor's co-authored article receives the Distinguished Article Award from the ASA is the section on Alturism, Mortality, and Social Solidarity.

Dr. MacGregor's co-authored article receives the Distinguished Article Award from the ASA is the section on Alturism, Mortality, and Social Solidarity.


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