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Dr. Paul Barnes received a letter of appreciation from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) regarding his work as a Co-Chair of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel. Dr. Paul Barnes is the only member of this scientific assessment panel from a Jesuit University as well as an undergraduate institution. His work allows him to interact with scientists from around the world and delegates from all 198 countries of the United Nations that are signatories to the Montreal Protocol.

On November 3rd the Environment Program and Biology Department hosted it's Water Forum Panel. The Panelists were William Veatch, U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Tyler Antrup, Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans. Arien Hall & Luisa Abballe, Mastodonte. Chuck Morse, Thrive New Orleans and Sam Commagere, Urban Conservatory. Thanks to everyone who showed up!


Click Here to Watch Panel

The Environment Program's Dr. Paul Barnes, and Mark Tobler have recently contributed to a publication with Dr. Susanne Neugart, previously of the Loyola Biology department. The publication, titled, "The Function of Flavonoids in the Diurnal Rhythm under Rapidly Changing UV Conditions—A Model Study on Okra" was published by PlantsClick here to read the article. 

Dr. Paul Barnes of the Environment Program has recently contributed to a major United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) environmental effects assessment panel (EEAP) titled The success of the Montreal Protocol in Mitigating Interactive Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Climate Change on the Environment. This panel assesses the success of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement which has been one of the most important societal actions to help mitigate climate change. Congratulations, and thank you for your contribution Dr. Barnes!

Loyola's Environmental Communication Director Dr. Bob Thomas was recently interviewed by WWL-TV about the possibility of using storm debris to help strengthen Louisiana shorelines. Congratulations Dr. Bob! Read the article here.

Joshua Leaney received the Francis A. Benedetto Award for Excellence in Physics. This is a departmental award that emphasizes scholarship and research achievement in physics and is given by the faculty of the Physics Department as a token of confidence and encouragement.

Stephanie Oblena, ENVS ’24, received the 2021 Mary Ann Riesing Flynn Scholarship and Grace of Ignatius Award in last year’s Magis Awards, and has even continued her community involvement throughout the summer break. This past summer she served as a mentor at FaithActs, a program with Loyola’s Institute for Ministry that highlights the intersection of faith and the environment. She also is a Krewe Leader and has recently been elected an SGA Senator where she serves as the Sustainability Chair. Additionally, she is a member of Students for Environmental Action and Alpha Chi Omega.

Gabriela Brewer (graduated Spring '21), a double major in Biological Sciences and Spanish, received a Language Assistant position to teach English in Madrid, Spain, through Coversa Spain. She will start in November 2021, and will work with students 18 years and younger in Madrid schools.

Dr. Paul Barnes was a contributor to a recent United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) publication titled, "Floral bullseyes and stratospheric ozone." The article discusses how the floral UV "bullseye" which guides pollinators to flowers could also help protect flowers from intensifyig solar UV radiation. Congratulation to Dr. Barnes and his colleagues! Click here to read the article.

Dr. Paul W. Barnes, Professor of Biological Sciences and the J.H. Mullahy Endowed Chair in Environmental Biology at Loyola University New Orleans, recently participated in the 2021 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol (MOP33/COP12) and the 2021 Meeting of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP). Dr.


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