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The History and Philosophy Departments joined together to hold an awards ceremony for students in the department. Students Jesse Coleman, Allyssa Edwards, Franco Fuenes, Henry Glick, Delaney Harper, Jesse LeBouef, and Joeseph Pitre were awarded for their excellence as students, writers, and leaders. Faculty from both departments came together with friends and family of the awardees to express their support for the students. 


You can find photos taken by Dr. Justin Nystrom here.

The 2022 recipient is Bradley Kerkhof. 

This award is chosen by the faculty from the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and Computer Science, and is awarded by the Dean of the College of Arts and SCiences.

The 2022 Recipient is Kimia Mirlohi.

This is a departmental award names in honor of Karl Maring S.J., a former professor. This award is presented to students who have demonstrated scholarship in physics and who have by their knowledge and enthusiasm encouraged others in the study of physics.  

The 2022 recipients are Joshua Leaney (left in this picture) and Ayana Smith

This is a departmental award for achievement in an extracurricular research project. The award is given by the faculty of the Physics Department as a token of recognition for outstanding work in executing , and disseminating the results of a research project. Unfortunately, Ayana smith could not attend the awards ceremony. 

Congratulations to Gabriela Spizale, for winning a 2022 Student Achievement Award in Research from Division 53 of APA (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology). This award was based on work she recently presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America conference held in Denver (“The Relation Among Parental Psychological Control, Intellectual Functioning, and Child Anxiety in an Ethnically Diverse Sample of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder”). 

Each year the English department recognizes English majors who excel in each of our three major tracks: Literature, Writing, and Film & Digital Media. This year's winner of the Award of Excellence in Literature, Roman Audi, is not pictured. And Mojo Williams, not pictured, won the Award of Excellence in Film and Digital Media. This year, however, there was a three-way tie for the Award of Excellence in Writing. Here are those awarding-winning juniors:

Dr. Mark Gossiaux, Professor of Philosophy, received the College of Arts & Sciences 2022 Excellence in Research Award. A noted scholar of late medieval philosophy, Dr. Gossiaux was recognized for his 2021 article, "James of Viterbo on Seminal Reasons as inchoationes formarum" which was published in Vivarium, one of the leading journals in the world for the study of medieval philosophy and widely recognized as an unrivaled resource for the history of logic, semantics, epistemology, and metaphysics.


Andrea Norwood won Best Freshmen/Sophomore in the Monroe Library Student Research Competition. Their paper, A Changing Identity: Loyola’s LGBT+ Organizations Over the Years (1991-2012) was written for Dr. Allison Edgren's The Historian's Craft class. Andrea said they enjoyed writing this paper because as a Freshman, they had never worked extensively with primary sources prior to this class, and they were excited to engage with the material. For the paper, Andrea used the Special Collections on the Monroe Library's website.

This Fall, graduating senior Bradley Kerkhof will begin pursuing his PhD in University of Maryland’s (UMD) Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. There he will be researching nanophotonic devices to be integrated with circuits for quantum computers still in development.

At Loyola Bradley worked in Dr. Kargol's research group. Together with a recent Loyola Physics alumnus, Cole Green, they contributed to a collaboration lead by Dr. Celardo from University of Florence, Italy. Bradley modeled photosynthetic antenna complexes in green sulfur bacteria, in an attempt to predict and understand quantum behavior in biological organisms. He also has experience in Dr. McHugh’s Quantum Optics Lab at Loyola. He is the Recipient of the Reverend John H. Mullahy, S.J., and Donald C. Faust, M.D. Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Physical Sciences as well as the Reverend Percy A. Roy, S.J. Memorial Award, presented to the student(s) who achieved the highest academic record during their entire four-year career at Loyola. He graduates with majors in Physics and Mathematics, and a minor in computer science.

Analene McCullough was the recipient of the Senior Thesis Project award from the Monroe Library Student Research Competition. Her thesis was titled The Students for A Democratic Society and the Weather Underground: Transition to Violence, which examines Students for a Democratic Society, a movement of progressive young people from the 1960s, and how it transformed into a radical and violent group targeted by the FBI. Department chair, Dr. Mark Fernandez, advised her through the process of writing her thesis.


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