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Erica Saccucci-Price (B.A., Classical Studies, '03) is a PhD candidate at the University of Chicago in Theology, specializing in Christian Ethics.  She has recently finished the first chapter of her dissertation.

Elizabeth Sloane (B.A., Classical Studies, '09) is currently a graduate student at the University of Haifa, Israel.

Dr. Connie Rodriguez will be presenting a paper, entitled "Aristotle's Poetics and the Tragedy of Londo and G'Kar", at the Once and Future Antiquity Conference to be held at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, 27-29 March 2015.

Dr. Connie Rodriguez presented a paper, entitled "What Happened to the Monumental Program of Julius Caesar" at the 145th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Chicago, 2-5 January 2014.

Dr. Connie Rodriguez presented a paper, entitled "Bartholemy Lafon and His Vision for New Orleans" at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South in Waco, Texas, 2-5 April 2014.

Dr. Karen Rosenbecker receives the 2015 CAMWS Excellence in Teaching Award at the Annual Meeting the Classical Association of the Middle West and South at Denver, Colorado, 27-29 March 2015.

Aristophanes’ Wealth, translated and adapted by Dr. Karen Rosenbecker and directed by Professor Artemis Preeshl of Loyola's Theater department, was preformed at the 146th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in New Orleans, Louisiana, 8 January 2015.

Jason Clay (B.A., Classical Studies, '14) is a graduate student in Classics at the University of Cincinnati; he received a full scholarship and stipend to attend and plans to complete a Ph.D. The University of Cincinnati is one of the top graduate schools for Classics in the United States.

Katherine Morrow Jones DePalma (B.A., Classical Studies, '05) is an editor and submissions consultant at Peachtree Press in Atlanta, Georgia, a press that specializes in children's literature; Katie's work with the press includes helping to prepare teaching modules and academic guides to supplement Peachtree publications, most recently for 14 Cows for America

Dr. Connie Rodriguez received the Martha and Artemis Joukowsky Distinguished Service Award of the Archaeological Institute of America at the 146th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies in New Orleans.  The award recognizes over 20 years of service to the AIA, including hosting three annual meetings in New Orleans, on January 9, 2015.


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