Bridget Thomas (Classical Studies major, 2016) will attend Rutgers University beginning in the fall of 2016. She will be pursuing an MA in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies.
Dr. Rosenbecker's adaptation of Aristophanes' Wealth (performed by the Theater department in Spring 2013) will appear in the Spring 2016 edition of "The Mercurian", a journal dedicated to discussion of translation and adaptation of plays, and their performances.
Dr. Rosenbecker presented her paper, "Two-a-Day: American Vaudeville and Greek Old Comedy", at the 112th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South in Williamsburg, Virgina (March 16-19, 2016).
Rebecca McMillian (B.A., Classical Civilizations, '15) is pursuing a master's degree in Library Science at Louisiana State University.
Dr. Connie Rodriguez has been appointed to serve on the Societies Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America beginning in April 2016. The Committee is charged with the continual review of the Institute's programs and benefits for more than 100 Local Societies and members, and has the responsibility of recommending to the Governing Board or the President ways of improving benefits to our members that support the aims and best interests of the Institute as a whole. In addition the Committee is charged with monitoring society membership, lecture attendance and programs.
Bridget Thomas (Classical Studies major, '16) has been accepted into Tulane University's School of Architecture where she will pursue a master's degree in Preservation Studies.
Brenna Dickerson (Classical Civilizations minor, 2016) will attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she will pursue a Master's degree in Library Science.
Erica Saccucci-Price (B.A., Classical Studies, 2003) has recently become an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Religious Studies at DePaul University. Erica has taught Christian Theology and Women and Religion as an adjunct for several years at Loyola University Chicago. Her interests are Christian Ethics, specifically in the areas of Reproductive Ethics and Technologies, and Religious Filmography.
John Makarewicz (B.A., Classical Studies, '05) earned an MA degree in Classical Studies from the University of Missouri in St. Louis. He has been teaching Latin at Charminade College Prep School for several years. He also coaches football and lacrosse.
Bridget Thomas (Classical Studies major, '16) is assisting the curator of the Hermann-Grima House as the staff moves everything out this Spring in preparation for the installment of a new AC and humidity machine. Her duties include archiving the family's book collection which has over 900 volumes that need to be sorted. Moreover, she will be determining which books were printed prior to 1830. As she helps pack the artifacts properly, she will be keeping a log of the artifacts as they go into storage.