The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues awarded Dr. Madison Silverstein $2,000 for the Training and Mentoring Program for Future Psychologists of Color. The program was developed to address the exclusion and marginalization of racially/ethnically minoritized (REM) students in the field of psychology. This grant award will aid in the evaluation of the program for effectiveness for wider dissemination.
This award builds on several successful grant projects awarded to Dr. Silverstein from the American Psychological Association beginning in 2020. The overarching objective of these grants are to offer and evaluate a comprehensive and culturally-informed program (Scholars Committed to Opportunities in Psychological Education (SCOPE) to undergraduate students of color across the Southeastern United States in New Orleans, Louisiana at Loyola University New Orleans, Auburn, Alabama at Auburn University, and Atlanta, Georgia at Emory University School of Medicine to increase their likelihood of acceptance into a graduate program in psychology