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Student Research

Biology faculty maintain active research programs that are funded by state and federal agencies such as National Science Foundation, National Institutes for Health, US Department of Defense, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and Louisiana Board of Regents. See some of the many research articles published by biology faculty.

Biology faculty research programs address basic and applied questions and range from understanding the molecular basis of disease all the way up to detecting effects of climate change on entire ecosystems. Biology faculty often collaborate with scientists at other universities and in other disciplines in order to ask questions across such a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.

One of the most important research collaborations is between biology faculty and students. Biology faculty have long been committed to engaging undergraduate students in conducting original, independent research. Whether you work with one of the department faculty, or with one of our colleagues at nearby regional research institutions, or for that matter, spend a summer somewhere else, your involvement in research at this stage in your life can be most exciting and rewarding. We encourage you to talk with us about your interests, explore the web resources organized here, and see what happens!

So, visit some of the following links to learn more about biological research at Loyola University: