Statement of Purpose: This page is intended to help Loyola students and faculty pursue historical research and study by providing a list, arranged by general topics, of resources available on the Internet and World Wide Web. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather suggestive.
Citing Internet and www resources in research papers: see the Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities, by Melvin Page.
Primary Sources & Text Collections
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook
- Internet Modern History Sourcebook
- Internet African History Sourcebook
- Internet East Asian History Sourcebook
- Internet Indian History Sourcebook
- Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
- Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
- Internet Women's History Sourcebook
- Internet Global History Sourcebook
- Internet History of Science Sourcebook
- Internet Archive Texts and Documents (Hanover College)
- EuroDocs: Western European Primary Historical Documents
- AmDocs: Documents For The Study Of American History (U Kansas)
- George Washington Papers Homepage - Washington's correspondence
- Historic New Orleans Collection
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Wheaton College)
- National Archives and Records Administration (United State National Archive)
- The On-Line Books Page (Carnegie Mellon Univ)
- University of Michigan Documents Center (U Michigan) - The Documents Center is a central reference and referral point for government information, whether local, state, federal, foreign or international. Its web pages are a reference and instructional tool for government, political science, statistical data, and news.
- V.I. Lenin (Hanover College) Index to full texts of Lenin's works
- The Word Electronic Text Library
- National Center for Public Policy Research Index of Historical Documents
Reference & Research Tools
- Virtual Reference Desk
- Information Please Home Page
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Encyclopaedia of the Orient
- Online Dictionaries and Translators
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine
Theory and Practice in Historical Study
- Lord Acton: Inaugural Lecture on the Study of History, 1906 (Modern History Sourcebook)
- Politics in the Classroom by Lynne Cheney
- The Nature of History: A Debate between Marc Trachtenberg and James M. Banner, Jr., 1998 (Modern History Sourcebook)
- The Chauvet Cave (French Ministry of Culture)
World History
Science, Technology, & Medicine
- History of Medicine Division (National Library of Medicine)
Ancient Near East
- Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East (U Chicago)
- Dead Sea Scrolls (Library of Congress exhibit)
Ancient Greece (through the Hellenistic Period)
- Perseus Project Home Page (Tufts)
Early Western Europe, Pre-Roman North Africa, & Rome
- Perseus Project Home Page (Tufts)
China: to 1644, since 1644
- Chinese Characters - Genealogy, Dictionary, Readings (
- Internet Guide for China Studies (ANU/Heidelberg Univ.)
South Asia
- The Hindu Universe - History (Islamic World to 1500
Middle East and North Africa since 1500
Sub-Saharan Africa
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (NY Public Library)
Medieval Europe
- Jim's Medieval Coin Page - A Virtual Tour of my Collection (Jim Mason, University of Utah)
Medieval and Modern Jewish History
The Holocaust
- Documents Relating to the Holocaust (Mt Holyoke)
- Holocaust Timeline (The History Place)
- Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies (Yale)
Renaissance Europe
(for Renaissance Art, see the heading Art History & Architecture below)
Modern Europe, General
British Isles: 1450-present
Italy since 1350
Spain and Portugal
- The Library of Iberian Resources Online Full-text monographs
German Studies and the Habsburg Empire: 1493-1800, since 1789
Scandinavia and the Baltic States
Eastern Europe
- Documents Relating to the History and Contemporary Events of the Balkan States (Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia) (Mt Holyoke)
Rus', Russia, and the Russian Empire
Soviet Union and After
Americas: Native Peoples
Latin America: to 1800, since 1800
- Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) (Univ of Texas)
United States
American Revolution and Early Republic, 1754-1815
- Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page (Library of Congress)
Since 1920
- WPA Life Histories--Home Page (Library of Congress)
- Documents Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb and Its use on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Mt Holyoke)
Australasia and Oceania
International Relations
Congress of Vienna to World War I
World War I
- World War I - Trenches on the Web
- The World War I Document Archive (BYU)
- Documents Relating to World War I (Mt Holyoke)
World War II
- World War II : Documents (Avalon Project, Yale)
- Documents Related to World War II (Mt Holyoke)
Since World War II
- Center for Millennial Studies (Richard Landes)
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Wheaton College)
- Catholic Encyclopedia
Gender Studies
African-American Studies
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (NY Public Library)
Art History and Architecture
Maps, Cartography and Geography
- Map History / History of Cartography (Institute for Historical Research)
- National Geographic Society