Loyola's Pre-eminent Undergraduate Research Event
The Department of Biological Sciences will host its 31st Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, April 16, 2021 and will begin at 11:00 a.m. CST. This event will be held virtually. To join the Zoom meeting, click here. Check out the bottom of the page for further details. To view the full program, click here.
The symposium is designed for seniors who have chosen to complete undergraduate research to receive honors credit by completing research in Biological and Physical Sciences and the Environment Program. Each student has a faculty adviser and must complete several requirements in order to participate. Participating students prepared videos and PowerPoint presentations to communicate their research to their student and faculty peers. In addition to participating in the symposium, students must complete a written version of their research and results. The symposium will afford seniors an opportunity to present their research, some of which has taken students several years to complete. The presentations are as diverse as biology is as a field – ranging from canopy impact on endangered Okaloosa darter, to transcriptome assembly in the Chagas disease vector, to joint regeneration in chicks.
For additional information contact Dr. Don Hauber at (504) 865-3090 or by email at hauber@loyno.edu.
Time: Apr 16, 2021 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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