Congratulations to Abby Perez (BIOL'20) and Ella Hall (ENVB'19) for receiving the Loyola Strength in Diversity grant to fund the Late Nights at Loyola events that they will co-direct this academic year. We would love for all of you to come see what our students are doing to make a difference with kids who attend Anna's Place, a non-profit organization that aims to enrich inner city, economically disadvantaged, at-risk youth in the Nola area. The students come to campus twice a semester (Oct 23, Nov 27, Feb 19, Apr 9) to engage in hands-on learning activities that include both laboratory and field techniques taught by Loyola students, faculty and alumni. Programs like this are particularly important for African-American students who go to schools that are less likely to offer advanced science courses (In Nola schools that are predominantly African-American, only 23% offer Calculus and 59% Physics according to LDOE, 2017).