Courtney Babin
My teaching experience includes organismal biology, population genetics, ecology, and evolution. While my background includes evolutionary studies on plants and fishes, I have a great appreciation for all things related to science and love discussing these topics with students across all academic disciplines.
Recent Publications
- Babin, C.H. and Bell, C.D. 2023. The effects of climate change on cytotype distributions of endemic genera in the North American Coastal Plain. Plant Ecology & Diversity doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2023.2239244.
- Townley, I.K., Babin, C.H., Murphy, T.E., Summa, C.M. and Rees, B.B. 2022. Genomic analysis of hypoxia inducible factor alpha in ray-finned fishes reveals missing Ohnologs and evidence of widespread positive selection. Scientific Reports 12:22312.
- Babin, C.H., Anthony, N.M. and Bell, C.D. 2022. Intraspecific differentiation of Allium canadense var. canadense (Amaryllidaceae) across the North American Coastal Plain. Plant Species Biology 37:369-380.
- Babin, C.H. and Bell, C.D. 2022. Evolution of chromosome number in wild onions (Allium, Amaryllidaceae). Systematic Botany 47:335-346.
- Babin, C.H. and Howard, J.J. 2019. Does plant allometry predict biased sex allocation in Triadica sebifera (L.) small (Euphorbiaceae)?. Plant Ecology 220:529-539.
Ph.D., Integrative Biology, University of New Orleans; M.S., Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans
Classes Taught
Plant Natural History
Areas of Expertise
Plant Ecology and Evolution, Population Genetics, Invasive Ecology