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Strategic Planning Committee Protocol

Mission Statement

The College Planning Team works closely with Humanities & Natural Sciences faculty and university planning and budget committees to develop, implement, and evaluate the efficacy of initiatives to lead Loyola towards its goal of becoming a nationally recognized leading Catholic comprehensive university. The committee proposes initiatives that reflect Loyola's commitment to the Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person with respect to faith, scholarship, learning, service, and justice as defined by the college mission statement.

The Committee


  • Five faculty members serve on this committee. Two faculty representatives are elected from Humanities, two from the Natural Sciences, and one elected from the Council of Chairpersons. Elections are held in the Spring and completed by April, with no two members from the same department. The runner-up in each of these categories serves as the automatic alternate, who meets with the College Planning Team when the elected representative is unavailable.
  • The terms for these five representatives are three years (staggered following the first election so that there will be continuity) and renewable.
  • The Dean will appoint one representative each from SCAP and UPT. The Dean will also appoint an alternate from each of these committees. The terms for these two representatives are one year, renewable. These appointed members serve until their replacement is appointed.
  • The Dean is a voting member of the committee.

Standing Responsibilities

Goals and Charges for the Committee

  • Develop objectives and outcomes relevant to the College
  • Suggest college priorities to the Dean
  • Work with the Dean to:

    a) Strengthen the College's influence on the University's planning processes
    b) Strengthen the College's influence on the University's policy-making processes
    c) Consult with members of select College of Humanities and Natural Sciences
    d) Consult with members of select University committees
    e) Work with the Dean to monitor implementation of action plans
    f) Review outcome assessments completed by various programs and conduct outcome
    assessments of the committee's activities

Operating Procedures

  • The Committee holds a meeting in the spring following elections and selects a chair to serve a one-year, renewable term.
  • The Committee meets at least monthly during the academic year and at the call of the chairperson. The chairperson is responsible for setting the agenda of meetings, ensuring that minutes are taken and approved, following ordinary rules of parliamentary procedure during meetings, and communicating activities of the committee to the College Assembly.
  • Meetings are open to all faculty, staff, and students of the College. The Committee may invite other members of the university community and non-Loyola persons for consultation on business of the committee.
  • The Committee continuously reviews progress the College makes in leading Loyola towards its goal of becoming a leading Catholic comprehensive university as defined by College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Strategic Plan and other official planning documents.
  • The Committee continuously reviews, updates, and initiates goals and objectives of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Strategic Plan by working closely with: a) faculty b) students c) members of other college and university planning and budgeting committees.
  • Since planning is an ongoing process, the standing College Planning Team calls for the formation of an Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee every five years composed of representatives from throughout the College.
  • The Committee makes reports and presents recommendations to the College Assembly, and Council of Chairpersons and Provost at least once each a semester.
  • The Committee may propose changes in this protocol at any time in accordance with the College Handbook.

Approved by the Ad Hoc College Planning Team 3/8/02
Approved with friendly amendments by the Ad Hoc College Planning Team 4/8/02
Approved by the A&S College Assembly 4/18/02

Motion: The College of Humanities and Natural Sciences accept the following
(above) protocol for the establishment of a College Planning Team as a standing
committee to be incorporated into the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences

Approved by the A&S CPT change to Membership Item 1 4/1/04
Approved by A&S CPT Amendment I to the Protocol 4/1/04
Revised and Approved by College Assembly 11-20-2008