"Apocalypse in the White House: From FDR to Obama"
Dr. Ira R. Chernus, Professor of Religious Studies at University of Colorado at Boulder
Wednesday, October 14, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Miller Hall Room 114
Americans have always spoken of their nation as a force for
apocalyptic change in the world. Since Franklin D.
Roosevelt, though, presidents have been more likely to
speak of America as a bulwark against apocalyptic change.
How is Barack Obama dealing with this tension in U.S.
political discourse?"
Dr. Ira R. Chernus' books include: Dr. Strangegod: On the
Symbolic Meaning of Nuclear Weapons (1986); Eisenhower's
Atoms for Peace (2002); American Nonviolence: The History of
an Idea (2004); Monsters to Destroy: The Neoconservative
War on Terror and Sin (2006); and Apocalypse Management:
Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (2008).
This lecture is sponsored by the Religious Studies Department and
the Middle East Peace Studies Minor.