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Amberly Fox
Amberly Fox

Amberly Fox is the English Department's administrative assistant and managing editor of the New Orleans Review. She is originally from Kentucky, received her B.A. in English Writing from Loyola University New Orleans in 2002 and her M.F.A. in poetry from the University of New Orleans in 2009. She has been published in Kentucky Living, The MacGuffin, and Ellipsis.


M.F.A., University of New Orleans, 2009; B.A., Loyola University New Orleans, 2002

College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Welcome Page

Welcome to the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences at Loyola University New Orleans.


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will give you some idea of the dynamic people and exciting programs that make our college the heart and soul of the Loyola academic experience.

Let me tell you about some of the things that make me proud to be the dean of this college.

Initial classifications are determined by the Office of Admissions based upon the credentials and application submitted by the student. Classifications may be changed in a student’s first term by the Office of Admissions up to November 1 in the fall semester, March 1 in the spring semester, and two weeks after the summer session registration.

NON-DEGREE-SEEKING STUDENTS are admitted with official credentials but do not wish to pursue a particular degree program. Students admitted as non-degree-seeking must enroll in consecutive terms or apply for a leave of absence in order to maintain their status. Failure to follow these procedures will require an application for readmission. coursework taken while a non-degree-seeking student is subject to evaluation in terms of applicability toward a degree. There are limitations on financial aid available to non-degree-seeking students. TRANSIENT STUDENTS are admitted for one semester. If they wish to continue their enrollment, those who enroll as transient students must apply for admission as non-degree-seeking students or as degree-seeking students by submitting official credentials. Transient students are not eligible to early register. coursework taken while a transient student is subject to evaluation in terms of applicability to a degree. There are limitations on the financial aid available to transient students. There are no limitations anymore.