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College Conciliation Committee Protocol


Any grievance within the college involving a faculty member of the college, other than grievances regarding terms and conditions of dismissal or suspension, may be brought to the College Conciliation Committee. The committee may hear disputes involving faculty/faculty, faculty/administrator(s), and faculty/ chairperson(s).

The purpose of the committee is to facilitate the amicable settlement of disputes by informal means. To be heard, a grievance must be filed within ninety woking days after the alleged violation; and the committee must report its findings within ninety working days after the receipt of the grievance.

The committee should entertain requests for an informal hearing only after the petitioner has gone through channels or has been advised of the channels available to him/her.

Should the committee discover that the proper channels have not been followed, it should define the channels for the petitioner and prescribe that they be followed before the committee will permit an informal hearing.

If the committee should fail to reach a solution satisfactory to both sides, the petitioner should be informed of further procedures available to him/her. If the petitioner wishes to take advantage of those procedures, he/she should indicate the decision in writing to the college committee which will refer the case to the appropriate committee and notify it that the college committee had tried to resolve the case but was unsuccessful.


The committee shall consist of five (5) members elected from the full-time faculty. No more than two (2) may be non-tenured. No two members of the committee are to be from the same department. No one serving on the college committee can also serve on the University Conciliation Committee at the same time. The terms are for three years and are renewable.

Revised and Approved by College Assembly 11-20-2009