Amended: Final (from July 21, 2003 version) April 13, 2005
Approved by the Chairs, representing the Faculty Excellence Awards Committee for the academic year 2004-2005
Selection Committee Structure
- The selection committee shall be divided into sub-committees: (1) The Teaching and Advising Selection Committee and (2) the Research and Service Selection Committee.
- Members of the Teaching and Advising Committee shall consist of:
2 Faculty members from each division = 4 total faculty. (Humanities, Natural Sciences)
2 Student representatives from DSAC, one from each division.
1 Alumni representative.
1 Faculty member – Previous year’s winner for the Teaching Award.*
1 Faculty member – Previous year’s winner for the Advising Award.*The Teaching Award winner votes only for the Teaching Award, and the Advising Award winner votes only for the Advising Award.
- Members of the Research and Service Selection Committee shall consist of:
Same 4 Faculty members from the above sub-committee.
1 Faculty member -- Previous year’s winner for the Research Award.
1 Faculty member – Previous year’s winner for the Service Award.The Research Award winner votes only for the Research Award, and the Service Award winner votes only for the Service Award.
- The full-time ordinary faculty of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences are eligible to be nominated to stand for election to serve on the Faculty Excellence Awards Selection Committees.
- Elections for Committee openings should be held in the middle of the Fall semester each year.
- No department shall have more than one elected member serving on this Committee at the same time.
- No Committee member shall be eligible for election for consecutive terms.
- DSAC student representatives shall serve at the discretion of the Dean of Humanities and Natural Sciences.
- An alumni member shall serve as the Alumni representative at the discretion of the Director of Alumni Relations.
- The Committee’s first meeting shall occur in January of each Spring semester.
- At the Selection Committee’s first meeting, Chairs for each sub-committee shall be elected.
- The service terms for the Faculty: Each Faculty member shall serve a staggered three-year term. The Previous Year’s Awards recipients shall serve a one-year term.
- The service terms for the DSAC representatives: The DSAC representatives shall serve until their terms expire for DSAC. DSAC members are juniors and seniors; therefore, terms are one year or two years.
- The service terms for the Alumni representative: The Alumni representative shall serve a renewable 2-year term.
- No proxies shall be used.
Awards Selection Procedure
- Faculty members on the Committee shall not be eligible for awards.
- No member of the Committee may nominate faculty for awards.
- Committee members may not write supporting letters for nominees.
- Committee members may vote on nominees from their own department, if they so choose.
- All members of the committee may recuse themselves from a discussion or vote of a nominee.
- The Co-Chairs shall be responsible for:
(a) convening meetings to select awardees,
(b) opening nominations – to be coordinated with the Dean’s Office, see Item # 16 below,
(c) notifying the College of the winners three weeks prior to the Honors Convocation,
(d) notifying the winners of the awards two weeks prior to the Honors Convocation, - Winners of the awards shall be decided by secret ballot of the committee members with one Chair reading the votes and the other Chair tabulating the votes.
- The following items shall remain confidential indefinitely: Names of nominees, Number of nominees, All supporting materials for nominees, Committee discussions, Committee voting,
Names of the winners (until the winners are made public, see item #9). - The winners shall be made public to the College at the Honors Convocation.
- The winners shall be notified two weeks prior to the Honors Convocation by letter from the Co-Chairs/Chair of the A & S Awards Committee. This deadline shall be included in any advertisements so that the other nominees will understand that they have not won the award.
- The awards will be presented at the Honors Convocation and a permanent plaque will be displayed in the Office of the Dean of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences.
- The Alumni Representative shall arrange for the acknowledgement of the awards recipients in the Loyola magazine.
- The deadline for submission of nominations shall be the last Friday in March. In the event that this day falls on Spring Break week, the deadline will be the following Friday after Spring Break.
- The deadline for receipt of all supporting materials shall be the last Friday in March. In the event that this day falls on Spring Break week, the deadline will be the following Friday after Spring Break.
- The deadline for the Chairs to notify the College of the winners shall be three weeks before the Honors Convocation.
- The nominations shall be open by the Chairs of the Committee on the second week of February. The Chairs of the Committee shall coordinate the following advertisement efforts: (1) Advertisements shall be sent to all departmental chairs for posting on departmental boards, (2) links to the nomination forms shall be placed on the Loyola internal webpage and by email via the alumni listserv, (3) an advertisement shall be included in the November edition of the Loyola Magazine, (4) reminders to faculty and all students in the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences shall be sent by electronic mail at three, two , and one week before the deadline for nominations, and (5) the chair of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC) will be notified by the chairs to announce the opening of nominations at the first meeting of DSAC in the Spring Semester.
- The representative of the Alumni Office shall send electronic reminders to alumni listservs at six, three, and one week before the deadline for nominations and announce the nomination openings at all alumni board and committee meetings.
- All advertisements shall include all deadlines, the nominees’ responsibilities, and the supporting materials required to be submitted.
- No supporting materials received after the receipt date will be considered. The Dean’s Office Staff will collate the supporting materials so that the Committee can review the materials. The Dean’s Office Staff will also return nominations and supporting materials to the major nominator of each candidate.
Awards Criteria
- The nominator shall be responsible for cooperating in the assembling of a packet of supporting materials for the nominee.
- Materials for each category (Teaching, Research, Service, and Advising) shall include:
Curriculum Vitae (CV) in CRTC format.
One letter of support from the principal nominator.
One letter of support from a colleague (may have multiple signers).
One letter of support from a student (may have multiple signers). - See Appendix 1 for notes on issues and requests made by nominators and nominees.
Appendix 1:
- A request was made by a nominator in March 2005 to submit two names for one Award since both nominees contributed equally to the work. The committee approved this.
- A request was made by a nominator in March 2005 to submit copies of the latest teaching evaluations and students’ comments in the nominee’s package. The chairs did not approve this and recommended that the nominator summarize the evaluations as well as submit direct quotes from students in the nominating letter.
- In the event that only one nomination is received for an award, the committee has voted on the nominee as well. It may be possible that the committee votes not to award the one nominee but only because the nominee failed to meet expectations of the award – this may be true even if there were several nominations in one category.
- In Spring 2005, awards were $500.00 in cash to each recipient.
- In Spring 2007 awards were $1000.00 in cash to each recipient.
- On March 4, 2008, changes were made in the protocol to reflect the restructuring of the college.
- In Spring 2007 the issue of receiving the same award twice was brought to the attention of the committee. In Spring 2008 the committee determined that an individual who had received an award in a category could not then be nominated in that category in subsequent years. The committee also concluded that an individual could receive multiple awards if they are in different categories.