Students must submit an Application for Internship prior to enrolling in the course. Students do not need to submit an application for Internship if they are remaining at their Practicum site and their Practicum application is on file. Internship applications are available in Department of Counseling office, and are due on or before the following dates. Applications are to be turned in to the faculty in charge of the semester you are applying for, in person. The designated faculty person accepting the practicum applications will be posted on Blackboard counseling page and in the Big Room. If any of the following dates falls on a weekend or university holiday, applications will be accepted on the next business day, before the close of business on that day.
Spring Internship - September 15
Summer Internship - February 15
Fall Internship - May 15
Students’ edibility to enroll in Internship will be subject to a review of their practicum application by the departmental faculty. Late application will not be accepted. Internship is a controlled class; completion of the Internship application will result in an eligibility verification and placement of student's name on an approved list for controlled class registration. Students will be approved to enter Internship only upon the recommendation of the Practicum supervisor. The Practicum supervisor has an ethical obligation to screen from Internship those students who are unable to provide competent service. Entrance into Internship may be denied or delayed to students who, in the professional judgment of the Practicum supervisor, are deficient in the skills, knowledge or self-understandings necessary to embark upon the Internship. In all such cases, the student will be provided with recommended alternatives for remediating the deficiencies.