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Application for Practicum

Practicum applications are available in the Department of Counseling office and are due on or before the following dates. Applications are to be turned in to the faculty in charge of the semester you are applying for, in person. The designated faculty person accepting the practicum applications will be posted on Blackboard counseling page and in the Big Room. If any of the following dates falls on a weekend or holiday, applications will be accepted on the next business day, before the close of business on that day. Late applications will not be accepted.

  • Spring Practicum - September 15
  • Summer Practicum - February 15
  • Fall Practicum - May 15

Students’ edibility to enroll in Practicum will be subject to a review of their practicum application by the departmental faculty. Late application will not be accepted. Practicum is a controlled class; completion of the Practicum application will result in an eligibility verification and placement of student's name on an approved list for controlled class registration. Students must register for the Practicum course using the normal registration process; placement in a particular section of Practicum will be determined by the registration priority. When a section of Practicum is filled, there will be no more students allowed to register for that section.

Practicum/Internship Application

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