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Enrollment in Another University or College

It is the policy of Loyola University that after the student has been fully admitted as a degreeseeking student, the student must obtain written permission from the Dean of her/his college in order to enroll at another university or college outside of Loyola. The following procedure should be followed:

  1. Obtain the form “Request to Take a Non-Loyola Course” from the College of Social Sciences Office or download the form from the BSN Student Site on Blackboard. (Once on the BSN Student Site, click on “BSN Documents” and then click on the folder labeled “Forms”. You will see the file you are looking for in this folder.)
  2. Submit the completed form to the Program Coordinator who must sign the form if she/he agrees with the request.
  3. Once signed by the Program Coordinator, submit the form to the Administrative Assistant in the School of Nursing Office for routing to the Dean’s office.
  4. If approval is granted by the Dean, the student will be notified by mail that permission has been granted to take the requested course and apply the transfer credits to the student’s degree plan.
  5. The student should not enroll in the course until it is verified that the Dean has given permission for the student to do so. Note: The above procedure must be followed each time the student wishes to enroll in a course at another university or college and all certified transcripts must be submitted for credit.

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