Important web sites to our students are the University homepage and the School of Nursing homepage:
- Through the Loyola homepage students have access to the academic calendar, the Loyola Online Records System (referred to as LORA), and many University offices and services.
- The School of Nursing website has contact information for faculty and staff, and links to many valuable web sites of interest to nurses and other health care professionals.
- From your web browser, BSN students can view and download the most current copy of this Handbook and other documents of interest by following the steps listed below: Go to the Loyola homepage; · Click on “Blackboard” in the grey bar at the top of the page; Enter bsnstudent (one word, all lower case letters) as both your username and password; Blackboard will open and display a box on the right hand side labeled “My Courses.” Under that you will see the BSN Student Site. Click on the site and you will see a link on the left titled “BSN Documents.” Click on this link to locate the current edition of Handbook.