Policy on Full-time Faculty Travel Expenses for HUNS, 2012-2013
The Dean’s travel budget for the academic year 2012-2013 will be increased slightly from last year.
The total budget allocated for faculty travel to conferences from the Dean’s office will be
$75,000 for 2012-2013.
Those tenure and tenure-track faculty requests that are submitted by Wednesday, October 31,
2012 can expect to be covered by the Office of the Dean on a first come-first serve basis.
Requests that are submitted by a second deadline of Thursday, February 28, 2013 will also be
funded on a first come-first serve basis until the budget limit has been reached. It is unlikely
that there will be funds remaining in the Office of the Dean after the February deadline.
Requests will be funded up to $1,500 per trip.
Requests from Distinguished Professors who have funds in their expense accounts will not
normally be funded.
Tenure-track faculty will be funded for two conference trips.
Tenured faculty will be funded for travel up to a total of $1,500.
Full-time adjunct faculty are also eligible for travel expenses, depending upon availability of
Funding priorities are listed in the College Faculty Handbook as well as on the application form.
Receipts must be received by the dean’s office within 60 days of purchase to ensure re-funds.
Maria Calzada
1 August 2012