The INDEPENDENT STUDY FORM, available in the Dean’s Office, must be used to register for the following courses:
A495--Special Project
A498--Research Project
A499--Independent Study
Please refer to Bulletin descriptions for the appropriate designation. An actual descriptive title should be given to the course (e.g., Internship Supreme Court). The student must have the approval of the instructor, the chairperson, and the Associate Dean.
Loyola students may cross-enroll through the New Orleans Consortium at Dillard, Tulane and Xavier Universities and Notre Dame Seminary. Students may not cross-enroll for a course if it is offered in the same semester or is regularly offered at Loyola. Loyola students taking Consortium courses must be enrolled in a minimum total of 12 credits.
1. Seek permission of the advisor and have him/her sign the CONSORTIUM FORM
2. Seek permission and signature of Associate Dean.
3. Submit the form to the Loyola Office of Student Records.
4. Submit the form to the host school's student records office. If a student wishes to ADD or DROP a Consortium course, he/she must do so both at Loyola and at the host school's Office of Student Records/Registrar.
Except for failed required courses, students need not repeat failed courses. If a student repeats a course at Loyola, both grades will appear on the transcript and both grades are used to compute the cumulative grade point average. Therefore, in most cases, if the student passes a course, even with a D, there is no real grade advantage in repeating the course unless it is a prerequisite for another course. Earned credits for repeated and passed courses will be counted only once toward graduation
Courses that may be taken more than once for credit (Independent Studies, Play Production, etc.) will carry a special notation in the course description.