Dr. Michael Kelly was an invited speaker at two research conferences held in Brazil during the month of July, 2016. He presented a lecture entitled "Index bounds for complexes associated to limit groups" at the meeting Nielsen Theory and Related Topics, July 4-9, Rio Claro, SP.
He also lectured on "Free groups and fixed points of homotopy idempotents" at the XXth Encontro Brasileiro de Topologia, July 11-16, Curitiba, PR.
Alexandra Thayer, a finance and management double major with a mathematics minor, was awarded a teaching assistantship in the Department of Statistics, Florida State University for the 2016 academic year. The assistantship includes a tuition waiver for 9 credits and a stipend for the fall and spring semesters.

The Drs. Rachel and Stephen Kent Research Endowment for Science and Mathematics and Rev. John H. Mullahy, S.J., Research Endowment for the Sciences were established to support collaborative research by faculty and students. Linda Hexter received a $1000 grant to pay for the cost of publication and presentation of her research project with Dr. Michael Kelly in algebraic topology. She studied the Nielsen theory for functions of homotopy idempotents defined on a bouquet of circles, the space obtained by joining a finite number of circles at a single point.
Jose E. Lozano ('15) was accepted to graduate school at Loyola University Chicago, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Wayne Mitchell ('14) was accepted to Applied Mathematics Graduate Program in the College of Engineering & Applied Science at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Dr. Michael Kelly was an invited speaker at the XIX Encontro Brasileiro de Topologia held, August 1-4, 2014 in Sao Jose do Rio Preato, SP, Brasil. He presented a lecture entitled “Fixed point index bounds and a class of negatively curved 2-complexes” at the meeting.
Also, Dr. Kelly has been invited to speak that the VIIth Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis to be held September 14-18, 2015 in Torun, Poland.
Senior Michael Hennessey has been awarded a teaching assistantship in the Applied Math department of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to pursue a PhD in Mathematical Biology.

Mathematics senior Michael Hennessey was awarded second place at the annual Louisiana/Mississippi section meeting in the undergraduate student paper competition. Michael presented “A with-in host Dengue infection model with immune response and non-constant susceptible cell production rate,” which he wrote under the advisement of Dr. Jeremy Thibodeaux.

Senior Savannah Logan (Computational Math and Modern Languages and Culture) awarded a 2014-15 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to teach English and pursue an independent project in Spain

Professor Katarzyna Saxton gave an invited talk at The International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science in Waterloo, Canada.

Professor Michael Kelly was invited to speak at the international conference "Nielsen Theory and related topics 2013," held in Daejon, South Korea.