Dr. John Sebastian, associate professor of English, has been invited to serve as General Editor, along with Christina Fitzgerald of the University of Toledo, of the Broadview Anthology of Medieval Drama forthcoming by the Broadview Press. In addition to serving as co-general editor, Dr. Sebastian has also already edited for the volume the Croxton Play of the Sacrament and the N-Town Mary Play (both late 15th c.). Dr. Sebastian is also in the process of preparing for the volume editions the Play of Herod, a musical drama from the so-called Fleury Playbook of about 1200; the poet and Benedictine monk John Lydgate’s seven mummings (short dramatic dialogues probably accompanied by dumbshows, all from the late 1420s); and John Heywood’s Play of the Weather (published in 1533 and written and probably first performed several years earlier). As General Editor, he will also co-author the volume’s general introduction with Christina.