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CRJU-C900: Master's Research and Practicum

As you know, your capstone course, CRJU-900, Master’s Research and Practicum, consists of directed research in criminal justice under the guidance of the coordinator of graduate studies or another member of the graduate faculty in Criminal Justice. The student must complete a Practicum Report demonstrating mastery of professional skills in one of the following:

  1. Write a 5,000- to 10,000-word research paper written in a research journal format based on quantitative data;
  2. Write a 5,000- to 10,000-word research paper written in a research journal format based on a comprehensive review of the literature; or,
  3. Write an evaluation of a criminal justice policy or program; or,
  4. Write an acceptable grant proposal following, for example, National Institute of Justice guidelines.

If you have any questions about the CRJU-900, Master’s Research and Practicum, please contact David Aplin, (504) 865-3323, or via email at