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Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma [APS on Facebook] is the only nationally accredited criminal justice honor society for criminal justice students. The Zeta Beta chapter at Loyola University New Orleans recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in or pursuing a minor in criminal justice. Membership is by invitation only, based on academic acheivement as outlined below.

Alpha Phi Sigma was founded at Washington State University in 1942. The executive board of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) designated Alpha Phi Sigma as the official National Criminal Justice Honor Society of the discipline on March 24, 1976. Presently, Alpha Phi Sigma has over two hundred and eighty chapters in operation.

Since 1978, Alpha Phi Sigma has held its national conference in conjunction with the annual ACJS meeting. The Academy's continued support of Alpha Phi Sigma serves to enhance Alpha Phi Sigma's purpose - the recognition of scholarly achievement in the field of criminal justice. Alpha Phi Sigma was granted membership by the Association of College Honor Societies in 1980.

Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma was founded at Loyola University New Orleans in 2003. Undergraduate membership is by invitation and requires that the candidate has completed the equivalent of 3 full-time semesters of academic work (45 semester hours, with at least 12 hours in criminal justice coursework) with an overall 3.2 (using a 4.0 scale) grade point average (GPA) and a 3.2 GPA in the candidate's criminal justice coursework. Graduate students are invited to membership after 12 credit hours of graduate course work with a minimum of 3.4 GPA. Individuals who have made significant contributions to the practice of criminal justice are invited to join by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the active membership. For more information, please contact Dr. Brenda K. Vollman, Chapter Faculty Advisor or call 504.865.3323.

New Inductees & Invited Students

Congratulations to the following undergraduate and graduate criminal justice stucents "tapped" for induction on May 13, 2011.

Spring 2011 Graduation 2012 or later graduation

Jason Collins

Troy Dickerson

Eric Dufrene

Michael Dupuis

Wayne Heims

Shane Klein

Mary Mena

Imelda Mendoza

Dianne Perrillioux

Derrell Plaisance

Mia Silvestri

Jessica Steckel

Brittany Taylor

Clara Baldwin

Raven Batiste

William Bosworth

Austin Campbell

Garkeiva Council

Kayla Cox

Cody Dardeau

John Dupuy

Delaunda Dykes

Benjamin Freedman

Terri Heno

Timothy Hooker

Todd Hymel

Paula Jewell

Lt. Michael Kinler

Pamela Laborie

Kelvin Lai

Brian Lussier

Matthew McCarthy

Erica Murphy

Vicente Paz

Betsy A. Pickett

Randy Tibodeaux

Elisabeth Tuebner

Phillip Vitter

Dominique Waguespack

Devan Wiggins

CSI @ Loyola

Crime and Social Issues

A student group organizing around meeting and networking with like minded students interested in issues pertinent to crime, victimization and social justice. The group is new and currently informally structured around providing a cohesive identity in a fun and interactive way for criminal justice majors and minors AND non-majors interested making connections with others about social justice/criminal justice topics. The group is not yet an officially recognized organization of the Student Government at Loyola. C.S.I. Loyola will hold informal social gatherings, movie nights, self-defense trainings, fundraisers for local organizations helping those currently or formerly incarcerated individuals and their families, as well as groups focusing on victims rights and services. If you would like to get involved, or just want more information, contact: Dr. Brenda. K. Vollman at or call 504.865.3923.