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Practicum Placement and Settings

The student, faculty practicum coordinator, and the student’s advisor, work together to place the student in a practicum setting. Students are expected to make specific requests, in the practicum application, regarding their desired placements, and are expected to meet with their advisor and practicum coordinator to discuss field placements options. Students are encouraged to explore potential settings for their Practicum placements, and to do so early in the semester prior to their Practicum semester. Students are encouraged to visit several potential settings and to interview at these sites. As a result of the interview process, students should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Does this setting offer me the range of learning experiences I desire, with a client population that matches my career goals?
  • Does this setting provide experiences that enable me to complete Internship requirements? (Check hours requirements for practicum and internship.)
  • Does this setting have a qualified supervisor on site who is willing to provide at least one continuous hour of supervision each week? (see qualifications for onsite supervisor on p.6)
  • Is this setting willing to accept me as an intern if such a request is made?
  • Does this setting have a time commitment that must be considered? (Some settings require 20 hours per week, even for practicum students).

The Greater New Orleans area offers a wealth of potential Internship settings from which students may choose. In past semesters, counselor interns have worked in such diverse settings as elementary schools, secondary schools, community colleges, family services centers, women's shelters, hospitals, United Way-funded agencies, private agencies, EAP programs in business and industry, juvenile and adult probation and parole, and child guidance centers. In the Big Room, there is a binder with all of the sites students have used in recent semesters with the students evaluation of the site. It is highly recommended that you use this resource to help you determine if some of the sites you are interested in will be a good match for you.

Beginning in the Spring of 2010, students are allowed to intern at sites with in a 50 mile radius and no more than an hour away from Loyola University’s campus. If the Department of Counseling does not have a current contract with a site a student is interested in, then he or she must contact the Practicum and Internship Coordinator. The Practicum and Internship Coordinator will insure that the site is willing to comply with the departmental requirements for clinical sites. If the site is deemed appropriate, the Practicum and Internship Coordinator will create a contract between Loyola University’s Department of Counseling and the site. Students may not begin interning at a site until a signed contract is returned to the Practicum and Internship Coordinator or unless a current contract already exists. In addition, students must receive permission from the department before they are allowed to begin interning at a site. Sites must be able to provide students with enough direct and indirect contact hours required for the course in which they are currently registered. Each site must have a licensed or certified mental health professional that can provide the student with a scheduled continuous hour of supervision each week.

Student that are currently interning at a site must fulfill their obligations to their site and their clients. Students are not allowed to change sites unless they have completed the requirements agreed upon with their site or there is a problem at their site. They must receive approval from the department to change sites and cannot quit interning at their site unless they have received approval from the department. Prematurely leaving their site could be deemed client abandonment. It also can cause problems for future Loyola students wanting to intern at that site. In addition, the student would be severing relationships between potential contacts and references.

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