The following is a list of current collaborations between students and professors in the Natural Sciences:
Dr. Maria Calzada
Project Title: A Bootstrap Test for Normality, a computational statistics project.
Name of student: Holly Gardner
Duration: 2 years
Project Tittle: The Combined xbar-s shewhart Chart and its Synthetic Counterpart, a statistical quality control project.
Name of student: Leah Birch
Duration: 1 year
Dr. Patricia Dorn
Project Title: Genetic Diversity of a Highly Infected Triatoma sanguisuga Population in New Orleans
Name of student: Nick de la Rua
Duration: 2.5 years
Project Title: Phylogeny of Central and North American Chagas Disease Vectors
Name of student: Nick de la Rua
Duration: 2.5 years
Project Title: Infection Status and Strain Typing of the Chagas parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, in Triatoma dimidiata Across its Geographic Range
Name of student: Gabriela Estrada
Duration: 2.5 years
Project Title: Genetics of the major Chagas vector in Mesoamerica
Name of student: Jihan Shami
Duration: 2.5 years
Project Title: Chagas parasite infection in kissing bugs in the southwestern United States
Name of student: Ben Birdwhistell
Duration: 3.5 years
Project Title: Large-Scale Restructuring of Neuronal Architecture in Response to Chronic Variable Stress
Name of student: Jaren Kennedy (Sponsor; Research Mentor: Dr. Fiona Inglis - Tulane University)
Duration: 2.5 years
Project Title: Characterizing Sensory Structures in Sea Urchins
Name of student: Milad el Hajj (Sponsor; Research Mentor: Dr. Judy Venuti - LSUHSC)
Duration: 2.5 years
Dr. Kim Ernst
Project Title: A Looking-Glass God: Effects of Religious Representation on Undergraduates' Self-reported Cognitive Task Performance
Name of student: Marie Briard
Duration: 1.5 years
Project Title: The Relationship Between Employers' Performance and Confidence in Employer Provided Healthcare
Name of student: Kacie Fayard
Duration: 1 year
Project Title: Effects of Individual Differences on the Focus Effect
Name of student: Francesca A. Kizer
Duration: 1 year
Dr. Frank Jordan
Project Title: Comparison of life history traits of blackbanded darters (Percina nigrofasciata) in two northwest Florida stream systems.
Name of student: Ashley Melancon
Duration: 1 year
Project Title: Comparison of life history traits of sailfin shiners (Pteronotropis hypselopterus) in two northwest Florida stream systems.
Name of student: Annalisa Hernandez
Duration: 1 year
Project Title: Responses of endangered Okaloosa darters (Etheostoma okaloosae) to restoration of two impounded streams.
Name of student: David Reeves
Duration: 2 years
Project Title: Reproductive life history traits of non-native Rio Grande cichlids (Herichthys cyanoguttam) in City Park.
Name of student: Joseph Collier
Duration: 1 year
Dr. Lynn Koplitz
Project Title: A Computational Study of Exotic Hydrogen Bonding in the 3-cyano-N-methylpyridinium Crystal System
Name of students: Mary Spulak, Andy Scott
Duration: Ongoing
Dr. Hoyt Meyer
Project Description: The students are learning how to do organic synthesis, which is the creation of new molecules using laboratory techniques. The molecules we are pursuing right now relate to neurotransmitters, protein structure, and nanoscale devices.
Name of students: Luis Loor, Erika Reyes, Justin Romaire, Alex Thomas and Julio Vega.
Duration: 1 year
Dr. Thomas Spence
Project Title: In cooperation with The Australian Defense Force Academy and the Australian Federal Police developing infra-red laser sensors for explosives.
Name of students: Robert Hartsock, Kathryn Conroy, Anna Lee, Hunter Fontenot, Chris Casteneda, Keegan McCully
Duration: 3 years
Dr. Joelle Underwood
Project Title: Generation and Characterization of Ultrafine Aerosol Particles for Water, funded with Robert Frank Grant
Name of students: Hunter Fontenot, Brian Hays
Duration: 1 year
Dr. Jim Wee
Project Title: Diatom Survival Response to Salinity Changes in Oligohaline Estuaries
Name of students: Gabriela Estrada
Duration: 4 years
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