Here are some of the research projects I am now working with my students and collaborators. If you are a student and interested in joining the band, send me an email, or just drop by my office. Also, visit our cosmology group page.
Cyclic Inflation Model: Cyclic models envisage a universe that periodically expands and contracts, where time is endless not only in the future, but also in the past. The universe literally existed forever and there was never any beginning. If the cycles are asymmetric, that is in each the cycle the universe grows a bit more than it contracts, then over many-many such cycles the universe appears to "inflate" (grow exponentially). Below is a picture of the cyclic inflation phase followed by the usual slow power-law growth, a(t), represents the size of the universe.
That the universe once underwent an inflationary near-exponential growth has been pivotal to the success of the modern cosmological theory in explaining (and in some cases predicting) what we see in our universe today. The cyclic inflation model, not only provides a viable mechanism to realize inflation but also comes with distincitive predictions for the cosmic microwave background radiation that our satellites are currently measuring. Here is a recent powerpoint presentation on the subject.
I am currently looking at the sustainibility of the cyclic inflation scenario with my students William Duhe and Kingsley Hansen. Mr. Duhe presented our preliminary results at the international student physics society conference held in Netherlands last year. I am also investigating some of the unique signals of the cyclic-inflation model that may be detectable in the near future with my collaborators Anupam Mazumdar and Tomi Koivisto.
Cyclic cosmologies in general provide an enigmatic alternative to the conventional monotonically expanding universe. There are quite a few interesting research projects in this direction that I want to work on in the near future. If you are a physics or a math student and like computers, you may want to explore the opportunity!
The Dark energy problem: Is the Dark energy just the Cosmological Constant as introduced by Einstein who later famously retracted it by saying that it was his “Biggest blunder”, or is there more to Dark energy than meets the “eye”? Cosmologists introduced dark energy to explain the cosmic speed-up, the fact that the expansion of our universe is speeding up rather than slowing down due to the gravitational attraction that exists between all "known" matter. In order to overcome gravity, dark energy has to have rather strange properties, such as having negative pressure and being impervious to dilution as the universe expands. This has lead many cosmologists to consider alternatives to the dark energy paradigm.
With my collaborators, Mazumdar, Koivisto and Alexey Kosheylev, I am currently looking into viable modifications of Einstein's theory of gravity that may be able to produce accelerating cosmologies without invoking dark energy. This is a follow up of his paper on viable gravitational theories on Minkowski background, including "non-local" (going beyond the paradigm that particles interact with each other at a given space-time point) modifications to Einstein's General theory of Relativity. Here is powerpoint presentation on the subject.