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Veii’s Anatomy: An Exploration of Etruscan Medicinal Practice

“Veii’s Anatomy: An Exploration of Etruscan Medicinal Practice”
A Lecture by Dr. Wayne Rupp

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Nunemaker Auditorium
Monroe Hall, 3rd floor
8 p.m.

Free admission and free parking on campus

Even without today’s technology and modern advances, the Etruscans possessed significant knowledge of the human body and medicine. Their expertise in dentistry is well-known but represents only one facet of the depth of their knowledge as they also offered anatomical votives, which exhibit a variety of medical conditions, to a great many gods and represented “medical procedures” on decorative luxury objects such as mirrors. In my presentation, I hope to open up this fascinating area to new audiences and make a small contribution of my own to the existing body of knowledge.

Dr. Rupp is an alumnus of the Classical Studies program and is a part time instructor in the Department of Languages and Cultures.