Josefa Salmón has been on the Department of Languages and Literatures faculty since 1986. She specializes in Latin American Literature and culture. Her research deals mostly with Andean literature and film and has published: Anthology of Spanish American Thought and Culture. (Co-ed with Jorge Aguilar Mora and Barbara Ewell, forthcoming with University Press of Florida). El espejo indígena (1997, 2013), DECIR NOSOTROS en la encrucijada del pensamiento indianista (La Paz: Autodeterminación 2012, 2013), Co-ed with Guillermo Delgado, Identidad, ciudadanía y participación popular desde la colonia al siglo XX (2003) and an edited volume, Construcción y poética del imaginario boliviano (2005). Among recent books with DVD’s of filmed interviews with English subtitles are: Value and Community: The Meeting of Marxism and Indianism. A conversation with Alvaro García Linera; TERCER SISTEMA: ni capitalismo, ni socialismo. Una conversación con Felix Patzi. (THE THIRD SYSTEM: Neither Capitalism nor Socialism. A Conversation with Felix Patzi); and“Yuyay”: Thought and Memory in the Weavings of Jalq’a and Tarabuco/Yampara: A conversation with Verónica Cereceda. 60 min. She is co-founder of The Bolivian Studies Association and is director of its journal, The Bolivian Research Review/Revista Boliviana de Investigación. She obtained a Fulbright Scholarship (2010) and she received the Rev. Guy Lemieux, S.J. SAK Distinguished Professorship in 2011. She taught interdisciplinary courses in Spanish American culture, literature and film (The Mexican Revolution in Film and Fiction) and Latin American Cinema. She has been recognized for her excellence in teaching in 1994, 2001, 2003. She has served as Chair of the Latin American Studies Program and as Chair of the Department of Languages and Cultures from 1996 to 1999.
Dr. Josefa Salmón's speech upon receiving the Dux Academicus award 2017
Recent Publications
- Valor y comunidad: Reencuentro marxista y boliviano. Una conversación con Álvaro García Linera (Vice President of Bolivia). La Paz: Plural Editores, 2016, 53 pages.
- Tercer sistema: Ni capitalismo ni socialismo. Una conversación con Felix Patzi (Governor of La Paz). La Paz: Plural Editores, 2016, 27 pages.
- DVD with English subtitles: “Yuyay”: Pensamiento o memoria en los tejidos de Jalq’a y Tarabuco/Yampara. Una conversación con Verónica Cereceda. [“Yuyay”: Thought and Memory in the Weavings of Jalq’a and Tarabuco/Yampara. A conversation with Verónica Cereceda] La Paz, 2016.
- Индейцы в новой конституции Боливии. Indigenous Presence in Bolivia’s New Constitution. Almanaque Histórico Latinoamericano No. 15 2015, 211-221. Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, Instituto de Historia Universal, Centro de Investigaciones Latinoamericanas. [Translation to Russian of Chapter 3 of Decir nosotros en la encrucijada del pensamiento indianista.
- “La revolución en la imagen: Dos películas de Jorge Sanjinés” in Cine andino, eds. Julio Noriega Bernuy and Javier Morales Mena. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2015, 193-198.
Classes Taught
- Latin American Cinema in English for CAC
- The Creation of Identities in Spanish America
- Mexico in Film and Fiction
- Survey of Spanish American Literature I and II
- Culture of Spanish America to 1850 and from 1850
- Indigenismo y revolución en los Andes
- Andean Culture
- Creating Spanish America in English for CAC
To learn about Dra. Salmón's Latin American Cinema class, click here
Areas of Expertise
Latin American Literature and Culture, Andean and Central American Literature